Saturday, December 29, 2007

Day 45

What a day!! I was supposed to "sleep in" and Pete and Andy were going to be with Stan early. I got a call from Andy (when I was in the shower!) telling me he was sick, and Pete was on his way to Anchorage with take Isaac to the doctor. (I just talked to is Sat. morn now, and Katrina is the only member of their family NOT sick!)

Next Pete called me from St. Elias, asking if they'd called and told me Stan was being transferred back to Regional for some tests. I said, "No." He said Stan's room was empty, and that he'd be at Regional for quite awhile. So I hurriedly got ready and went to Regional....parked (always a problem there), went to three desks to find where they had Stan...each had a line!... and when I asked if I could go see him, was told he was being transported back to St. Elias at that moment. SOOOO, back to the car and St. Elias!!

Bad news... because his "good" hand was so swollen, they suspected a clot, and it was confirmed by the exam at Regional. It is a large one in his upper right arm. NO exercising or massaging or BP taking, etc. on that arm!!! They cannot put in a filter for that clot, so said there was no other alternative except blood thinners for treatment.

The road is rough enough without all the potholes!!! This is more than a bump!!

Good news!! I HEARD him say Hi to the Nelsons! AND the nurse told me he was reaching with his right hand, and I saw it at least four times last night. He wants to scratch his nose (or something) but can't quite reach his face. But it is a BIG WOW!!

I need to get going on the run NOW. I let myself sleep until I woke up....midnight to 8 a.m. ... UNBELIEVABLE.... eight whole hours...but now I find no one was able to get there early, so need to get going.

I had to stop an aide from using the BP cuff on his right arm yesterday. They did put up a large note behind his bed after that, but will anyone see it??? I know the night people were careful, because I stayed until after 11 to make sure.

Please do pray that this clot will dissolve with the meds they have given him, and he won't bleed again! Thank you!!

Love, M

Friday, December 28, 2007

Day 44

Here is a special FUN email I received today from my sister in law!!! I know you will all enjoy it!! I sure did!!

"Want to tell you something funny. I was eating a piece of almond brittle this afternoon and my lips were sticky. Sooooo I licked them and thought Stan is smiling. So now everytime I lick my lips I think of Stan and SMILE!!!
Love and Prayers,

Now we'll all be smiling and thinking of Stan whenever we lick our lips. I wish you could all see him do it. It brings tears to our eyes and a smile to our lips!!

So....God is good!! He continues to give me gifts of love every day!! Today Stan seemed more sleepy, less wakeful than he has been the last three days. I was a little worried, and even asked if they were giving him anything that would cause this. They weren't.... I think he is just tired out from all the move etc.

Anyway, Pete, Cannon, Andy's family, Brian, Philip, and Kacee all joined Kathy and me in Stan's room this evening. The little boys were so cute and sweet, touching Stan's hands, feeling his whiskers (he needs a shave still!) and talking to him. Cannon was showing him his CARS from the movie, and Stan SAID, "Varmit!"
That is what he calls all our grandsons when they are little. I saw it, Andy heard it!!

Kathy had read Deryl's email about Stan shaking his she asked him to nod "yes" if he could. He DID! He also shook his head "no" for us. So each day we get another miracle!

I saw him mouthing words to Phil, but neither Phil nor I could make them out. But he was trying!!!

They changed his trach today....down from a size 8 to a size 6. They tell me this is a step in the direction of weaning him off it, and also to help him be able to talk again.

I guess a specific prayer (besides more and more mental accuity) would be that he NOT aspirate into his lungs now that the protective "balloon" is no longer there. He is recovering slowly from his latest bout of pneumonia, and we sure don't want another one!

We did learn the results of his MRI. His protrusion is less than the last one showed, and there is no sign of change, meaning no abscess from the staph!! So that is great good news, too!

If you live in the area (and even if you don't!), you are very welcome to come visit him and see his "new digs." They are quite nice!! Visiting hours are from 8 to 8. You can come in later, but you might be left standing in the cold like I was, so be prepared!! You are required to sign in at the front desk. (I like that, because then I can see who I missed if I was away. )

Andy and Pete will be there early in the morning to let me sleep in (I wish!!).........but, at least get a little more rest. Laura and her girls plan to take me to lunch at one. I will be at the hospital after that, until about ten. It is hard to leave him more than ever now that he is awake and looking at me!!! He seems to like it when I gently rub his forehead....

Brian has faithfully exercised his limbs each day since they showed us what to do. Bless him!!! We are hoping that this will get him ready for more serious re-hab when he is well enough.

Maybe he could even eat when he gets the trach out!! Look out, Chocolate! Here he comes!!!

Eric told me that Brooke said she told Santa that what she wanted for Christmas was for Papa to get better. "Yes, Virginia, there IS a Santa!"* (We know Him better as GOD!) *quote from New York Times c. 1930s.
Love, M

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Day 43

Today has been a busy day....full of surprises and changes... I am not sure whether this has all been good, or some bad.

I arrived at the hospital to be shocked by an empty room with NO sign of Stan or his bed. I discovered he had just been taken for another MRI. I had no idea one had been ordered for today, and didn't understand "why" since he had had his first one just nine days ago. He has been waking up so dramatically, but I didn't think he would require an MRI to "judge" just how he was doing. As near as I could discover, he was being checked for an abscess in his brain. Apparently because his staph infection is in the blood, they want to rule out the possibility of it infecting his brain. I was told that judging by his improvement happening in such "leaps and bounds" that there is a good indication that NO abscess exists, but they felt the need to be sure. I hope to get results tomorrow (thursday).

I was told by the nurse that a young man who said he had served much of his electrical apprenticeship under Stan's guidance had gone with him to the MRI area. Hearing her description of him, I narrowed my choices down to Carl and Larry.... and after asking my last question, dark hair or light...I decided it was Carl, and I was right! He was in the waiting room and Stan was "waiting" in the MRI room for another patient to finish. Carl and I were allowed in to watch. "Big" Dave did this one, since "our" Dave is vacationing in Florida! (Now that Stan is awake and aware, I was so thankful that Carl had been there to visit with him and tell him what was going on as he went to have the MRI.)

We were barely back in the room and getting Stan settled in, when the person in charge of social service or transfer or whatever department it is, came to let me know that St. Elias and the doctor had decided today was the day for Stan's transfer. It took a little longer to get the entire move underway. I was first told 2, then said probably 2:30.....and the nurse said that means more like 3.... He was given a bath so he could arrive all spiffied up, but still wasn't shaved. I had asked if he could be shaved for Christmas. (He STILL isn't shaved, but maybe by morning.)

Lots of "goings and comings" and I hate to start naming names, because as sure as I do, I manage to miss someone....and ALL of you are so very important and loved.

But it was neat to find Angie sitting in his room after the MRI, and to have Kathy come and take charge in her own special way that never fails to really be a help to me. She organized all the stuff that I could take from his room for use later at home, and found the plastic bags that were needed for the transfer of his stuff...i.e. the bouquet from United that is still very nice after a week. Here is Alaska they need to be protected before shocking them with the brrrrry cold weather.

Stan was strapped down, kissed (by me) and fussed over, and sent on his way with his ambulance buddies to ride a few miles away. BUT before he left his room he had a pretty special visitor! Shelby's little cousin, Kiana almost six months!, (here to visit G'pa and G'ma Titus) was held in his range of view, and I know he enjoyed seeing her. And Shelby, who is not real fond of the hospital scene but likes to come see "Mrs. Stan" (and the guy who draws pictures for her)....went twice to peek at Mr. Stan.

Kathy and I were laden with bags, but still managed to check out the gift shop before leaving the hospital because there were signs all over saying "50% off sale"!! What I had admired a couple of days ago, was I was saved a bit of money. But I still managed to get a few "trinkets" for the grandkids. It was only the Christmas stuff on sale, of course.

When we got off the elevator, John and Paula were there just ready to go visit we were able to head them in the right direction...meaning out side to their car and over to SESH (St. Elias Speciality Hospital...from now on to be SESH!)

(You do realize that Shelby and Kiana didn't come alone!!) The first Angie mentioned is MY Angie. Kiana's mother is Deryl and Kelly's Angie, her Uncle John, Shelby's mommy Mandy, and of course G'ma (Kelly). So....adding John, Angie, and Kiana...we have reached 124 visitors.

Another interesting bit of trivia...Kathy asked the nurse if he knew who St. Elias was saint OF. His statement led us to ask where he went to church. Turns out he attends Faith (originally Gov't Hill, later Parkside, now Faith Christian)...where Stan and I attended for more than 18 years. We figured out we'd attended together for about five years before Stan and I changed to CCA. What a small world!! Oh, and he asked me to remember him to you, Wayne (Dr. Bigelow). His name is Mike Hayes.

As Stan was getting settled into SESH, I was coericed into going to eat. John, Paula, and Scott joined Kathy and me at the Golden Corral buffet. We had a good meal, and then sat and talked church and Bible etc for a couple of hours!! John drew the tabernacle on a napkin and explained the types...shadow and substance...and meanings relating to the plan of salvation of each component of the building, its furnishings, and the court yard to Kathy. He did such a good job, we failed to see the restaurant was empty way before its usual closing time. We did notice a lot of people coming in packing wrapped packages. When we left we saw that the marquee said Closing at 8 for their staff Christmas party. They were very gracious and never hurried us out!! They do get an A+ in friendly service!!

I rode there with Kathy, and when we got back to SESH, she dropped me at the door and left to make sure her hubby was not too lonesome!! Little did she know that I could have been in big trouble SOON.... It was the coldest 16 degrees I have experienced in a long time.

The doors were locked, and unlike the "real hospital" their rules are quite different. It was about five after 9 p.m. and my first day there! I wanted to tell Stan good night and gather up my stuff before heading home. It was then I noticed the sign on the door that says if you come after hours, call "this" number for admittance....

Here is the rather fearsome part..........or could have been...!! What if I hadn't taken the cell phone and/or my car key with me!! A very real possibility, as I had stuck my debit card in my pocket, rather than worry about taking my purse to dinner. I fumbled in my purse for the purse (okay, I'm getting sleepy...that is your fun for the day!)... for the PHONE, managed to punch in the number with frozen fingers, only to be told no one was there, but I could leave a message, etc. I left a message, wondering what to do, decided to go sit in the car and warm up (AFTER it warmed up!)...and try to call again. I was thoroughly frozen in a very short period of time. I really did begin to wonder what would have been my plight if I did not have my key or the cell phone with me!!

I eventually got a response and the door opened.

Inside, I found Stan being cleaned up, as he had vomited over his gown and sheet. He was coughing up lots of gunk, so I suctioned while the nurse cleaned up the other. Another nurse came to help and they bathed him and changed him. His oxygen levels were going down, and the numbers caused lots of beeping, but I could see NO ONE taking any notice. I didn't feel I could go home until I knew his levels were safe ones. Finally, the RT came and did deep suctioning, and his "numbers" improved.

I discovered I have to establish my ability to do things etc. all over again with a new set of caregivers. I was not even allowed to put the pillow cases on the pillows that were there in a stack while they cleaned him. I was always doing this in CCU and save the nurses time for other things.

He may be here around four weeks and then, depending on his status, be moved back to Regional for therapy. I hope he improves so fast that the entire town will be impressed by answered prayer!!

I am getting will go to bed!!

Love, M

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Day 42

I am so excited! I can't wait to see what God has in store for me tomorrow!!!

John, Paula, Dave, and Katie are my witnesses....Stan "laughed" today!! And Kathy told him to blow me a kiss, and he did!!

Yesterday I told him I wanted a smile, and if he couldn't do a "real" smile, then to lick his lips and I would be very happy to call that a smile. So he licks his lips when I ask for a smile. Katie told him a funny story, and he started licking his lips rapidly, and his right side of his face kind of crinkled up with the action and his eyes sparkled!! He WAS laughing!!

Later, while I was off to the little girl's room, Kathy told him to throw a when I got back she told me she had a surprise for me... OR Stan did!! And he gets a little kiss pucker when he is told to throw a kiss!!

Now how is that for a Christmas miracle!!!

Evaleen came with Rick and Carol today, and she is the 121st individual to visit him!!! WOW! I am going to read him the list tomorrow. I do believe he fully understands...and who knows what each new day will bring in his development!!!

Please pray that he heals in his body and stays well so that his system can concentrate on his brain's healing. He had a terrific uphill battle with his lungs for weeks..... It seems like there are a lot of road blocks in the way blood clots, blood infection, stomach not processing correctly, we need lots of prayers BESIDES ones for his brain's healing!! Thank you so much. God is certainly on our side!

Pete and Cannon arrived about midnight, and Cheri called to say the Fosters in Oregon are using their airline miles to get her a ticket to come back up in January. I am anxious for them to see the changes in Stan since they left!!

Stan will be transferred to St. Elias (on Cordova street, between Tudor and International) soon...probably this week. It is the LTAC I wrote about earlier.

Love, M

Monday, December 24, 2007

Day 40!


Celebration time! Rejoice! Rejoice!

I am over whelmed!! Today has been so exciting.

I went to the hospital to see Stan first! Then I went to church and enjoyed an incredible program, with talent oozing from every corner and seam of the building. Beautiful!
Lots of hugs for me and well wishing for Stan!!

I left to go back to the hospital wondering where to get me some lunch, decided I wasn't hungry, so....just go to the hospital. When I got there I thought I'd just get me a Subway sandwich and take it to Stan's room.

When I got to his room, I found two young ladies tenderly ministering to him.... wiping the sweat from his brow and holding his hand!!! Sondra and Christi from United were taking care of him for me.

There was a bag that I found out later came from the Smiths..........and I am so sorry I missed them!!

Next Jesse and his bride arrived. I embarrassed myself by mixing him up with Cory...but he was very gracious. And we had such a nice visit............

The girls told me Stan had opened his eyes and looked right at them for all of five minutes. That sounded like an eternity to me; how I longed for something that substantial! My looks have usually been in the 10 second range....but oh, so appreciated!!

He squeezed my hand some more, and that was special.

As some visitors left, other arrived. Pauline from church came with a yummy Amish friendship cake, our neighbors the Fosters came with lots of goodies....with Bradley sporting a Santa hat. John and Paula joined us, and again, as some left, others came. It's too bad anyone left and didn't get to see my Christmas miracle! Brian came and exercised Stan's legs and arms. He was just off work and hadn't been home yet. He left. Dave and Katie arrived, and they and John and Paula were visiting as I think I was trying to finish that Subway sandwich. Scottie (who is being deployed in about a week!) came.

Andy, Grace, Isaac, Katrina, Ashley, and Luke came. Andy had been moose hunting with a friend who had a Ft. Rich tag....his friend had been successful, and the call went out for HELP to pack it out of the woods. As Andy later said, FINALLY a moose from Stuckagain Heights (that is where we live. We back up to Ft. Rich property and that is where they were hunting.) Grace came in from Wasilla with her kids, gathered up Isaac, and the group of them hiked into the hunt area and helped bring out the moose. We are talking about cold and snow here, remember.

After all that "exercise," they decided to go to the cafeteria for subways, too.

A group of carolers started singing in the hallway, and Katie or Paula said, "Madeline, come quick! Stan just opened his eyes!"

I stood by his bed and watched as his eyes searched around a little. Then he seemed to focus on me, and they stayed open during the entire caroling of that group. As that group moved on around the hallway, a group from church arrived ..... specifically to carol for Stan. We made room for them to gather around his bed....all the while he had his eyes clearly open. As they sang, and I did my best to contain my tears, he continued to look at me. Rick and Patti, Audrey and Alex, Tim and Jenifer and Allie, Katrina and Briana, Jake, ... (I should not have started listing for fear of missing someone!! Please forgive me and remind me, if you were missed.) along with the Toms and Matsons and Andy's group who by now had returned....filled the room with angelic voices of love. Stan's eyes stayed open and he seemed to be very aware. I truly heard the angels sing!!

He gently closed his eyes during the last song....which they sang because it is his favorite hymn....This is my Father's World!! It had been close to an hour that he was awake and joined us. Many of us held hands around his bed while Tim offered a prayer of thanksgiving.

A few minutes later he opened his eyes again while Andy told him all about the moose hunt!!

What a DAY!

I know that the steady support of all of you....those who come, those who pray, those who email, those who have sent food, given hugs, etc....have made this day possible. It has been a LONG 40 days.....and 40 nights!! (Hey, that sounds like a Biblical number!!)

I do know that the road ahead is still long and bumpy, but God will sustain us as we travel it!!

Praise Him, praise Him!!

Love, M

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Day 39

Brian went in to the hospital early to sit with Stan. He had good news to relate to me. The "infection" doctor told him that the antibiotic was the right one and was working against the staph. PTL

Stan had been having trouble digesting his "food" so they turned it off for a couple of days to give his gut a rest. They turned it back on today, and he seems to be tolerating it.

Stan's numbers stayed good today. He did have to have his pic changed back to his left arm. They are supposed to be good for quite awhile, but his seems to quit working after two weeks. This is the third or fourth time his has been moved. It is similar to a port that chemo patients have....they can administer meds thru it, draw blood from it, etc. John Toms and I sat for over two hours waiting for him to be brought back to his room. We thought it was a simple fifteen minute procedure.

By the time he got back, he was exhausted. I did not see him open his eyes today, but I think Brian did. He did squeeze my hand lightly several different times. Right after I put on our Billy Vaughn CD that has a lot of old favorites of ours on it, I said that I thought the song playing was "Tiny Bubbles." I asked him to squeeze my hand if I was right. That was the most definite squeeze so far!!! How exciting! It means to me that he heard me AND knew the song!!

Grace and the kids came about 7 and talked me into going to dinner. We went to Red Robin and sat next (by that I mean almost on top of!!) an elderly gentleman who entertained us royally. His chair was closer to Isaac's than I was to Katrina...and I was beside Katrina at our table. Isaac was at the end of our table and the man was sitting with his back to us and his chair touching Isaac's! He kept turning to Isaac and telling him jokes...........the same ones over and over. Isaac was such a sweety...he laughed each time!! And keeps mentioning how much he enjoyed the guy. He told us he was 84 years old. I told him I was 85, and he said, "No way! More like 45!" So you can see why I liked him!!!!

We have had sad news today...both Flora Lee Lockhart and Rodney Reyman have passed away. I haven't had any new news about Roger Buck, but think he is doing similar to Stan. Please keep him and Stan in prayer. My sister Jeanne is home from Tulsa and pretty weak. I would appreciate prayers for her, too.

Thank you so much for being such faithful and true supporters of my guy!!

Love, M