Saturday, February 16, 2008

DAY 94

The snow finally stopped and the sky turned a lovely blue, with bright sunlight.... A lovely day! It IS cold, tho. Pete said it is 7 degrees out... a real warm up from the minus numbers we were having during Stan's last two weeks in the hospital. It really warmed up for a couple of days as he came home....unfortunately that brought the snow and difficulty driving. Isaac shoveled the deck that day, so we could get Stan to the door!! Today, I was expecting a Home Health Aide to come help me bathe Stan, and we had over a foot of new I shoveled the deck to make it possible for her to find the door without wading knee deep. It froze my hands...they hurt pretty bad. I am wondering if I got a light case of frost bite on them sometime in the past....because it doesn't take much to make them hurt these days. Whenever I scrape the car windows, etc. it is my hands that can't handle the cold. The rest of me is plenty warm, so I don't think about gloves until I am hurting....and then I am half done, so why bother. But THEN I have to warm them up carefully.............. Someday I'll remember to put on gloves even though "I'm tough!" My hands don't even touch the snow!! So I don't understand why they get so cold!!

As it turned out, the HHA made it to our road, but it wasn't plowed so she couldn't get here. She called to say she'd reschedule for next week. The bad part is, the phone was in use so I didn't get her call, and spent almost two hours watching for her....making me anxious about vacuuming and "other" things, for fear I wouldn't hear her come or call.

Pete spent a lot of the day downtown.... chiropracter, Stan's meds (the pharmacy originally didn't have enough of one pill and gave Pete the wrong kind of another,so we had to get that fixed), Phil's work and school (they are sharing the truck....Pete had the car last night and it took he and Isaac hours of shoveling snow as they got stuck often coming he didn't want to even consider taking the car today. The truck is four wheel drive.)

We are getting the changing and feeding a little more organized now, but they are still quite a chore to accomplish. Stan is so very patient. It was the same at the hospital....very traumatic for him....lots of turning this way and that, and it hurts his hip and knee to be "rolled" so much. We did give him a good bed bath today, and then Phil, Isaac, Pete, and I hoisted him in the lift over into his recliner (the first time he's sat in it since his birthday, Nov. 13!!) while we changed his sheets etc. We removed the bubble thing that came with his bed that is supposed to help prevent bed sores. It is a rubber mattress liner with a motor that inflates and deflates the baseball sized "bubbles" all over it to keep him from lying on one spot too long. We were told he would still require frequent turnings....
The action caused kind of sharp ridges on the edge of the bubbles that hurt we decided we'd just depend on the frequent turnings...

The hoist is pretty neat, and I am sure he enjoyed a time in his chair. We wrapped him in the soft comforter Cheri made him so that the hoist sling wouldn't cut into him like it did at the hospital when we used it to get him into the shower. It is more than a one man show, tho!!

Deryl and Rick both mentioned the proposed Bible study here at the house with him once a week. I know he will really enjoy that!! Thanks, guys!!

I get my own Bible study from Molly each day, and she always has just the scriptures and dialogue that I need for the day. Sure wish she were here in person!!

All of your "welcome home" emails, prayers, and encouragements are so wonderful. Thank you all!! I am relating them to Stan. We are hoping to get his computer down stairs and some kind of device so that he can use it in bed. There is a lot of "figuring out" stuff yet before we have this down to a workable science.

I've had a couple of "sticker shocks" lately... a bill from the first hospital that doesn't make much sense, and the cost of Stan's meds after medicare and aarp!! Wow~~

Thank you, Jeff, for the clear driveway tonight!! And thanks to Brian for taking care of what Jeff's truck can't get. Our road is also now plowed, so if it doesn't snow again, we are once again able to come and go with ease.

I am off to bed.....Love, M

Friday, February 15, 2008

day 92 & 93

Wow.... instead of MORE time now that we're home, I seem to have much less time!! I have to get busy early caring for Stan's needs, attempting to at least keep a semblance of order to the house, and then get to my shower and breakfast. Yesterday I had the social worker involved with Home Health Care here for a couple of hours. Today I had the nurse at one and the speech therapist at 3:30. So I had to be done with "everything" by one and then jump right in and fix Stan a lunch and mid day meds and be ready for the next gal. She stayed until after five. I was so tired and so was Stan, so I thought he would nap until dinner....but he just didn't seem able to go to sleep.

The nurse had wanted to come at ten, but was gracious when I told her I had been caring for Stan's needs since just after five, and was just then (about 9:30) finally getting my bfst, and still needed my shower.

Well...I started this last night (Thursday) and managed to be too sleepy...Andy's family were here until about 2 a.m. United is once again flying into Anchorage, so Andy is on a regular evening shift again. Grace and the kids came in to visit and help...and brought home made pizza (which we pureed some taco pizza for Stan's dinner...his favorite!). Andy gets off work about midnight, I think, but when he got here I needed help changing and repositioning Stan, so it was after one for sure, if not two.

Actually, I can hardly remember Wednesday now. With Home Health people coming one and two each day (another is due at noon today) and doing what a host of staff plus me did at the is a bit overwhelming right now. I know things will settle down........just don't know WHEN!!

Still it is so wonderful to have him home, and he likes it so much better. He is quite the guy. Somehow he managed to get me a dozen roses for V day AND wrote in the card my wife, Love, Stan....!!! He sent Brian for the flowers, and Brian had him sign the card....he couldn't manage that "usual" signature place, but it is readable and very very special!!!

I am "cheating" a little and putting his pills in applesauce through the tube (they mix in better than in water), and I gave him about 2/3 of his cream of wheat in the tube this morning. He gets so tired eating........and I need him to get the calories.

I changed him by myself this morning (Friday). Pete is at the chiropractor and now having a difficult time getting the truck started. I just roused Isaac to help with Cannon so I could write this.

We had a huge snow storm last I don't know if the Home Health person will be able to make it to our house. Pete and Isaac had a very hard time getting home last night and even more difficulty getting up our driveway...the wooses! (How DO you spell that funny word??)

We are back to "square one" with the weather..... it is still snowing! I do look forward to "summer." We don't really have spring here, it is more apt to be called "breakup." Meaning..........MESSY!!

My car is beautiful....they did a great job from what I can see. I got a print out about the "care and feeding" of it. heehee

Stan continues to have lots of neck and hip pain, so these would be great to pray about. Thank you so much. And of course, the use of the left side. We aren't completely sure what is going on, but he was moving his left leg several times yesterday. WOW!!!

His hand worries is shrinking or stiffening up...pray that we will all be very diligent in exercising it!!

I do have to get busy....thanks for listening...

Love, M

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Days 90 & 91

Oh dear!! I did want to let you all know IMMEDIATELY when Stan got home but haven't had a second to write. (I even started that first sentence hours ago.) But anyway!!! NOW we can all celebrate!!!

He had lots of phone calls today... I am sorry for those I had to cut short. Many of the calls were during the nurse's visit, and I just couldn't stand and hold the phone to Stan's ear and be attentive to her. Hopefully, there won't ALWAYS be a meeting going on. (It does begin to sound like it, tho. There will be a Social worker, nurse, PT, OT, and speech therapist on a regular basis, and some one to come help bathe him. At first I declined that help, but decided it would cut some of my time reversed the decision.)

Pete went to the hospital after taking Phil to work yesterday and was there to feed Stan bfst. He told him we were doing things to get him ready to go home and would be back as soon as possible. I still had to deliver the car for its "beauty makeover" and then get to the hospital. Pete spent the day running errands, and then met me at the body shop and took me to St. Elias. It was almost one when I got there. Stan's lunch was waiting for me!! While I fed him, I sent Pete flying home to get him clothes to wear....I had totally forgot any. The transportation was supposed to arrive at 3 and it was close to two when I sent Pete home. He had to fetch Isaac from Jake's house on the way, and have Isaac shovel off the front deck so we could get Stan into the house. If you remember, I did mention the new wasn't just on the car and the road. The deck was inundated, too!!

I took care of all the paper work, finished packing up our stuff (the staff had three boxes about 12" by 18" by 10 " already full of stuff we were able to take home.....

When I finished with all that, I still had plenty of time to worry about Pete getting back in time to NOT hold up the transportation company. I think I actually started pacing the floor....but in he walked at about 3:02! At 3:30 (with an ever increasingly anxious Stan) we got the message that the transcare people were running 45 minutes late. I figured that meant they would be there in about 15 minutes. WRONG!! They arrived 45 minutes later at 4:30. Andy had called and said he was on his way....I told him it was snowing hard, the van was late, and that he just might beat us home. Pete had to pick Phil up from work and deliver him to class at four, so I was sure hoping I could ride in the van. It is much too far, and it was much too blizzardly to walk home....especially since I did not wear a coat!

The van finally arrived, we dressed Stan and wrapped him in the lovely quilt Cheri made him a year ago for Christmas. (BTW HE even "ordered" what he wanted to wear!! It had been 90 days since he'd even seen any of his clothes!)

We did forget a hat, and he mentioned to someone later that he got snowed on! It was his first ride in his new wheelchair with a nice high back. Sadly, he didn't give the back much of a work out....his head kind of fell forward most of the way. I was seatbelted in, and couldn't reach his head. I was able to stick a bag of diapers under his bad foot when it slipped off the foot rest. I don't think he could see much of the scenery on the way because of his position and because there are no windows back where he was locked into. None of us could see much of the "scenery" was snowing hard.

We did beat Andy, and Isaac did have the deck all shoveled and sanded. It took both the transcare guys and Isaac to get the wheel chair up the 3 steps to the landing, and then up the next 3 steps to the deck....but they made it!! From there it was easy....he was rolled to the front door, and his room is right off the entry. We left him in the wheelchair until Andy arrived....maybe ten minutes/maybe less....after the transcare guys left. Again it took Andy, Isaac, and me to hoist him into bed. We MADE IT!! Pete was picking up Phil, taking him to his next class and then headed to Fred Meyer's to get Stan's myriad of meds.

Everything got off to a late start....Fred's didn't "deliver the goods" until after 8 p.m. I couldn't feed Stan until I had the meds. So his dinner and then his bedtime were both pushed back to "late." But...we succeeded, and he slept until about 3 (or was quiet). He woke me with a "help me, help me" for a drink of water. I heard him again about five, but Isaac was taking care of him. I got up and going about 7....and got a call from the Home Health nurse asking if she could come early. I was still trying to figure out a schedule, get Stan changed and fed, etc...and I stalled her until one....then I got myself in gear and thought maybe I could be ready by 11, and would rather not put off the I called and rescheduled. Turned out that in all my "figuring" I forgot about me eating!! However, she was late (like almost an hour) so I ate standing by the window watching for her. Her meeting took almost 3 now Stan's lunch was really late again. It wasn't a bad visit though.... We did a lot of paperwork first, and then she examined Stan from "head to toe." He is rattley when he coughs (which is often) so I was glad when she said his lungs were clear. I think the yuk is all drainage from his sinusitis.

He ate all his lunch. I let him have a small glass of Coke for his beverage, since he drank the apple/pomegranite juice mixture I concocted for his bfst.

His stomach tube got all stained dark before leaving St. Elias. I was told to clean it with Coke, so I tried. It didn't come very clean, and I don't think there is any way to change it. It seemed to be leaking a little around the site tonight. I don't understand that. I don't want ANY problems developing at home!!

A couple of more "setbacks"... the stool softener the pharmacy gave Pete said "capsules" but they were gel caps and could not be crushed...and certainly couldn't be swallowed. Pete returned!!!... and said we wanted our money back and needed the liquid form or something crushable. They weren't going to take them back because they were opened. Pete convinced them it was their error, and they would, too, take them back. Then tonight he said he had a headache, and I decided to give him Tylenol. We didn't buy any new, as we had a big bottle already. Welllllll...they are gel caps....I did manage to crush them, but had to pick out all the gel covering before I could get them into his feeding tube. Oh, yes. I thought to try his pills in applesauce at dinner time. ONE bite and he almost vomited!! I couldn't separate them from the applesauce (they were all crushed up and a PART of the food now) so I added water and fed the whole thing through the tube. I don't see how anyone ....even those who can swallow.... could get this many pills down by mouth!!

My hands, especially around the nails, are getting so sore from all the washing!! Poor me!! But they do hurt... I didn't realize how much I use my thumbs to type...and it is the it hurts!! Hits on that edge where the "hangnails" have formed. (I understand that "this too will pass." )

The boys are getting involved and doing a great job. Pete and Isaac have helped ME change Stan before, but tonight while I fixed his dinner and pills, Brian, Pete. and Isaac did the job together without me there....and did a great job.

I have the baby monitor that I used with mom by my bed, and my "sewing room" one by Pete's bed. They are wonderful aides.

I need to go check on him..... I hate the way he coughs....but he always did have a loud harsh cough, even before the stroke, so I know it sounds worse than it probably is.

Then I'll try to get some ZZZZZZZZ's!

We didn't get the additional 12 inches of snow last night and today.... I am sooo glad!!

Love, M

Monday, February 11, 2008

Day 89

As I prepared myself to write an update for Sunday, I read my morning emails. This is the first paragraph from Molly's email today:

Hi Madeline. Maybe this will be the day. This is the day the Lord has made, and maybe it’s the day Stan will come home. God’s timing is perfect, so we’ll trust Him to choose the day. I’m praying for a peaceful transition from hospital to home – peaceful, meaning no medical emergencies, and peaceful, knowing that God will take care of every situation and lead you in the path He wants you to take. He’ll guide you with His eye upon you, in the way that Stan will benefit from. For you know the plans the Lord has for you, plans for good and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.

It seemed a great way to start this email!!!

"Today IS the day the Lord has made! WE (The Knowltons) will rejoice and be glad in it." Ps. 118

I talked to the doctor yesterday (Sunday) and he said he sees no reason for Stan to NOT come home today.

Sunday: I left home in time to see Stan before going to church. I'm so glad I did. His breakfast was sitting on the tray....waiting for family. I fed him and checked with his nurse about meds. His headache was bad again, and not just when he coughed. It turned out that he was pretty stopped up .... I think the effort made his head feel like it would burst, so he would stop trying.

After church (actually I left during the last song) I hurried back to the hospital to feed him his lunch. Stan's head was still aching and nothing had "helped" yet with his other problem. Andy and his girls came in close to 3:30. He was on his way to the house to finish insulating around the turret room windows to make that room warmer for Stan. (He did a great job!!) Kathy came after church and just when Andy arrived she had mentioned that she was going to the university to listen to Phil's girl friend's clarinet recital. I had wanted to go, too, since I hadn't heard Kacee play yet. (Louise, did Danny play the alto or the bass clarinet??)

So, with Andy and family there with Stan, Kathy and I went to the recital. The six students participating are all majoring in music education. A group of their "practice teaching" 6th grade students came and performed a couple of pieces, too. The ensemble finished with a piece by Mozart, using two clarinets, a soprano, alto, bass, and contra alto clarinet. It was beautiful.

It also lasted a lot longer than we expected. It was after six when I got back to the hospital, and there was Stan's dinner...waiting for me to feed him. He wasn't feeling much like eating....still....but I encouraged him with the info that if he didn't eat, he might be put back on the IV type food into his tube...and have to stay another day. He ate! But oh the misery he was in!! (He finally managed to "get the job done" about midnight! So coming home should still be a "GO.") I hope that also helped the headache.

Brian arrived after work and was greeted by Kathy with an, "Hello, Stranger!" He responded with, "Hello, Stranger than me!" I had never heard that comment before....Kathy, either. She was "impressed." heehee

Deryl and Kelly came and brought communion. That was a treat that we all shared in with Stan. Deryl shared the same thought that Rick E. had brought that morning....based on the 23rd Psalm.

I packed up a lot of "stuff" to take prep for today!! There will still be a load! And I have been taking things or sending things home for several days!! We did "live" there for six weeks.....! Boy, do things accumulate!

I have to remember his teeth and razor today. We got him a nice electric razor not long after he arrived at St. Elias. They were shaving him with the cheapest little Bic you've ever seen....and they SCRAPE your face to pieces.

For the record.....many of his nurses and aides were / are very loving and most tried to take good care of him. There was a lot of miscommunication that caused that care to be downgraded at times.... So I didn't mean for my other emails to paint a totally bad picture. There were way too many serious issues to not have real concerns ....even for his safety, which I hope they will address for future patients' care. I think the four "biggies" were his cathetar being ripped out of him (fortunately, it BROKE instead), his PICC line malfunctioning and causing a huge bleed, his head getting bonked, and his BP being taken on the forbidden arm. Each one of those had the potential to be very painful and / or fatal!

He is anxious to come home. And we are anxious for him to be home.

I keep thinking I should give you weather reports....and failed to do so. The past week or so has been very cold again, with absolutely gorgeous blue skies and views of the snow covered mountains to the north and west of us!! (The ones that are snow covered year round, and an artist's dream "when they show.") I tend to get used to the lovely, but cold, days, and easy driving. So today, I get to adjust my thinking to driving in fresh snow! We got about four or five new inches over night. I didn't even know to expect it, so what a surprise. (How weird can I be "surprised" by new snow in February in Alaska????)

I have to get going.....deliver my car to Paul's Body Shop for a new back bumper and front windshield..... Then get a ride to the hospital and maybe come in the TransCare vehicle with Stan!

I'll let you know how the day goes.......

Love, M

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Day 88

This was supposed to be "the final day" in the hospital...but as you know, he is still there.

I talked to the doctor and listened to his "report" regarding the CT scan. (He ordered a CTA scan....I am not sure how that differs from a CAT scan??) He did say that Stan has mastoiditis and that it usually requires at least six weeks of meds and if it doesn't clear up, it means a "simple" procedure of sticking a needle in his head to drain the area. Am I supposed to transport him back to the hospital for a scan in six weeks??? And is this MY fault, since he will be coming home in this condition. I don't even know what doctor will be in charge of him once he is home. Or how to determine if he is over the illness.

On the bright side, Stan is feeling better. He is on some antibiotic that I have never heard of before. I'll try to get the spelling copied down today (Sunday).

It was a quiet day. I had to leave mid afternoon to go to Costco. While I was gone, I missed Kathy....for the second time in two days!! It is early enough now that I should go feed Stan bfst and then go to church. He would like that. He expected Pete for bfst yesterday since Pete had been there all week....after taking Phil to work, he'd stop and feed Stan. But Phil doesn't work on Saturday, so they didn't get up as early.

Monday will be busy. The car is supposed to go to its "hospital" to get fixed and Stan is to come home, and I am supposed to have a meeting with some Home Health people.

I have received lots of supporting and encouraging emails from many of you, and I just want to tell you I would like to answer individually, but just can't do it right now. Just know that ALL your prayers and cares are appreciated.

Please remember that I had to leave off caring for a very ill sister (Jeanne or Abbie) who still needs our prayers. And also little Darian. I will let you know his update when I have one. Thank you all more than words can express.

Molly sent me the following scripture yesterday:

2nd Corinthians, chapter 1:

3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, 4 Who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God. 5 For as we share abundantly in Christ’s sufferings, so through Christ we share abundantly in comfort, too. 6 If we are afflicted, it is for your comfort and salvation; and if we are comforted, it is for your comfort, which you experience when you patiently endure the same sufferings that we suffer. 7 Our hope for you is unshaken, for we know that as you share in our sufferings, you will also share in our comfort.

8 For we do not want you to be ignorant, brothers, of the affliction we experienced in Asia. For we were so utterly burdened beyond our strength that we despaired of life itself. 9 Indeed, we felt that we had received the sentence of death. But that was to make us rely not on ourselves but on God Who raises the dead. 10 He delivered us from such a deadly peril, and He will deliver us. On Him we have set our hope that He will deliver us again. 11 You also must help us by prayer, so that many will give thanks on our behalf for the blessing granted us through the prayers of many.

Thank you, again!

Love, M