Friday, December 28, 2007

Day 44

Here is a special FUN email I received today from my sister in law!!! I know you will all enjoy it!! I sure did!!

"Want to tell you something funny. I was eating a piece of almond brittle this afternoon and my lips were sticky. Sooooo I licked them and thought Stan is smiling. So now everytime I lick my lips I think of Stan and SMILE!!!
Love and Prayers,

Now we'll all be smiling and thinking of Stan whenever we lick our lips. I wish you could all see him do it. It brings tears to our eyes and a smile to our lips!!

So....God is good!! He continues to give me gifts of love every day!! Today Stan seemed more sleepy, less wakeful than he has been the last three days. I was a little worried, and even asked if they were giving him anything that would cause this. They weren't.... I think he is just tired out from all the move etc.

Anyway, Pete, Cannon, Andy's family, Brian, Philip, and Kacee all joined Kathy and me in Stan's room this evening. The little boys were so cute and sweet, touching Stan's hands, feeling his whiskers (he needs a shave still!) and talking to him. Cannon was showing him his CARS from the movie, and Stan SAID, "Varmit!"
That is what he calls all our grandsons when they are little. I saw it, Andy heard it!!

Kathy had read Deryl's email about Stan shaking his she asked him to nod "yes" if he could. He DID! He also shook his head "no" for us. So each day we get another miracle!

I saw him mouthing words to Phil, but neither Phil nor I could make them out. But he was trying!!!

They changed his trach today....down from a size 8 to a size 6. They tell me this is a step in the direction of weaning him off it, and also to help him be able to talk again.

I guess a specific prayer (besides more and more mental accuity) would be that he NOT aspirate into his lungs now that the protective "balloon" is no longer there. He is recovering slowly from his latest bout of pneumonia, and we sure don't want another one!

We did learn the results of his MRI. His protrusion is less than the last one showed, and there is no sign of change, meaning no abscess from the staph!! So that is great good news, too!

If you live in the area (and even if you don't!), you are very welcome to come visit him and see his "new digs." They are quite nice!! Visiting hours are from 8 to 8. You can come in later, but you might be left standing in the cold like I was, so be prepared!! You are required to sign in at the front desk. (I like that, because then I can see who I missed if I was away. )

Andy and Pete will be there early in the morning to let me sleep in (I wish!!).........but, at least get a little more rest. Laura and her girls plan to take me to lunch at one. I will be at the hospital after that, until about ten. It is hard to leave him more than ever now that he is awake and looking at me!!! He seems to like it when I gently rub his forehead....

Brian has faithfully exercised his limbs each day since they showed us what to do. Bless him!!! We are hoping that this will get him ready for more serious re-hab when he is well enough.

Maybe he could even eat when he gets the trach out!! Look out, Chocolate! Here he comes!!!

Eric told me that Brooke said she told Santa that what she wanted for Christmas was for Papa to get better. "Yes, Virginia, there IS a Santa!"* (We know Him better as GOD!) *quote from New York Times c. 1930s.
Love, M

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