Monday, December 24, 2007

Day 40!


Celebration time! Rejoice! Rejoice!

I am over whelmed!! Today has been so exciting.

I went to the hospital to see Stan first! Then I went to church and enjoyed an incredible program, with talent oozing from every corner and seam of the building. Beautiful!
Lots of hugs for me and well wishing for Stan!!

I left to go back to the hospital wondering where to get me some lunch, decided I wasn't hungry, so....just go to the hospital. When I got there I thought I'd just get me a Subway sandwich and take it to Stan's room.

When I got to his room, I found two young ladies tenderly ministering to him.... wiping the sweat from his brow and holding his hand!!! Sondra and Christi from United were taking care of him for me.

There was a bag that I found out later came from the Smiths..........and I am so sorry I missed them!!

Next Jesse and his bride arrived. I embarrassed myself by mixing him up with Cory...but he was very gracious. And we had such a nice visit............

The girls told me Stan had opened his eyes and looked right at them for all of five minutes. That sounded like an eternity to me; how I longed for something that substantial! My looks have usually been in the 10 second range....but oh, so appreciated!!

He squeezed my hand some more, and that was special.

As some visitors left, other arrived. Pauline from church came with a yummy Amish friendship cake, our neighbors the Fosters came with lots of goodies....with Bradley sporting a Santa hat. John and Paula joined us, and again, as some left, others came. It's too bad anyone left and didn't get to see my Christmas miracle! Brian came and exercised Stan's legs and arms. He was just off work and hadn't been home yet. He left. Dave and Katie arrived, and they and John and Paula were visiting as I think I was trying to finish that Subway sandwich. Scottie (who is being deployed in about a week!) came.

Andy, Grace, Isaac, Katrina, Ashley, and Luke came. Andy had been moose hunting with a friend who had a Ft. Rich tag....his friend had been successful, and the call went out for HELP to pack it out of the woods. As Andy later said, FINALLY a moose from Stuckagain Heights (that is where we live. We back up to Ft. Rich property and that is where they were hunting.) Grace came in from Wasilla with her kids, gathered up Isaac, and the group of them hiked into the hunt area and helped bring out the moose. We are talking about cold and snow here, remember.

After all that "exercise," they decided to go to the cafeteria for subways, too.

A group of carolers started singing in the hallway, and Katie or Paula said, "Madeline, come quick! Stan just opened his eyes!"

I stood by his bed and watched as his eyes searched around a little. Then he seemed to focus on me, and they stayed open during the entire caroling of that group. As that group moved on around the hallway, a group from church arrived ..... specifically to carol for Stan. We made room for them to gather around his bed....all the while he had his eyes clearly open. As they sang, and I did my best to contain my tears, he continued to look at me. Rick and Patti, Audrey and Alex, Tim and Jenifer and Allie, Katrina and Briana, Jake, ... (I should not have started listing for fear of missing someone!! Please forgive me and remind me, if you were missed.) along with the Toms and Matsons and Andy's group who by now had returned....filled the room with angelic voices of love. Stan's eyes stayed open and he seemed to be very aware. I truly heard the angels sing!!

He gently closed his eyes during the last song....which they sang because it is his favorite hymn....This is my Father's World!! It had been close to an hour that he was awake and joined us. Many of us held hands around his bed while Tim offered a prayer of thanksgiving.

A few minutes later he opened his eyes again while Andy told him all about the moose hunt!!

What a DAY!

I know that the steady support of all of you....those who come, those who pray, those who email, those who have sent food, given hugs, etc....have made this day possible. It has been a LONG 40 days.....and 40 nights!! (Hey, that sounds like a Biblical number!!)

I do know that the road ahead is still long and bumpy, but God will sustain us as we travel it!!

Praise Him, praise Him!!

Love, M

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