Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Day 42

I am so excited! I can't wait to see what God has in store for me tomorrow!!!

John, Paula, Dave, and Katie are my witnesses....Stan "laughed" today!! And Kathy told him to blow me a kiss, and he did!!

Yesterday I told him I wanted a smile, and if he couldn't do a "real" smile, then to lick his lips and I would be very happy to call that a smile. So he licks his lips when I ask for a smile. Katie told him a funny story, and he started licking his lips rapidly, and his right side of his face kind of crinkled up with the action and his eyes sparkled!! He WAS laughing!!

Later, while I was off to the little girl's room, Kathy told him to throw a when I got back she told me she had a surprise for me... OR Stan did!! And he gets a little kiss pucker when he is told to throw a kiss!!

Now how is that for a Christmas miracle!!!

Evaleen came with Rick and Carol today, and she is the 121st individual to visit him!!! WOW! I am going to read him the list tomorrow. I do believe he fully understands...and who knows what each new day will bring in his development!!!

Please pray that he heals in his body and stays well so that his system can concentrate on his brain's healing. He had a terrific uphill battle with his lungs for weeks..... It seems like there are a lot of road blocks in the way blood clots, blood infection, stomach not processing correctly, we need lots of prayers BESIDES ones for his brain's healing!! Thank you so much. God is certainly on our side!

Pete and Cannon arrived about midnight, and Cheri called to say the Fosters in Oregon are using their airline miles to get her a ticket to come back up in January. I am anxious for them to see the changes in Stan since they left!!

Stan will be transferred to St. Elias (on Cordova street, between Tudor and International) soon...probably this week. It is the LTAC I wrote about earlier.

Love, M

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