Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Day 76

Stan was up in the chair when we arrived today. I had to feed him his lunch that way, which was difficult. For some reason, some days he holds his head up really well and other days NOT at all! Today was one of the "not at all" days...so Cheri and Pete helped me hold his head up while I fed him. He did take one bite himself, holding the spoon...but it was too difficult in the chair. At dinner he managed a few more that way, but he was still not holding his head up.

We had to be gone for a couple of hours in the afternoon. I had an appt. to get the car estimate done from the rear end collision. I was amazed at the low cost estimate. The bumper and cover both have to be replaced....and it was under $800. I didn't think any thing was under a thousand these days.

I just spent an hour looking for a bunch of cards I bought the other day.... birthday, sympathy, and valentine cards....and I need them!! I hope they are at the hospital.....

When we got there this morning, the first thing Stan said to me was, "I haven't seen you for days. Where have you been?" I told him I didn't leave last night until almost midnight!! He was sound asleep when we left tonight, so I asked the nurse to tell him I'd be back in the morning.

The blue sky was gone today. A very gray day with more snow replaced the sunshine of yesterday. I tried to take a picture of the heart. It actually showed up better when it was getting dark. The gray of the day seemed to flatten out the snow so that nothing showed.

We were able to move Stan in the chair close to the window so he could see the heart.

At times today he spoke up very clearly and loudly, but most of the time he used his whisper voice. James asked me if I was taking him home on Thursday. He mentioned that I had ordered all his meds. I was totally confused....but then James decided he was thinking of the guy in the next room. I do need to get prepared, tho.

A new OT did some interesting things with his arms today. We'll have to work on the same movements. He was too sleepy, had just got back in bed from being up for a couple of hours in the chair which is exhausting for him. So she decided to come back in a couple of days and hope to time her visit better.

Our weather has warmed up. Not to the melting point, tho...thank goodness!

Love, M

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