Monday, January 28, 2008

Day 74 & 75

I was 2, to, two, toooooo tired last night to write. I meant to write this morning, but chose to get to church on time instead.... Pete said, "Come on, Mom. You can write your update at the hospital this afternoon." But of course, that didn't work for a variety of reasons. So, here I am!!! Combining two days. Not such a bad idea, huh!!

The biggie for me yesterday was during Stan's dinner. I filled his spoon with food and then put the spoon in his hand and he directed it upright and immediately to his mouth. After doing that a few times, I started holding the spoon out in front of him, and he would reach up and take it himself. This is a HUGE improvement from just a week ago when the OT struggled to get him to hold a spoon, and mostly he would turn it upside down before he got it near his mouth. Also his direction was off then.

He is sleepy....and his speech is mostly jumbly and "silent" so that he is difficult to understand. He CAN speak up, because he does every once in a while. I don't think the vycodin is still working in don't really know what is going on. Each medical person has a different idea...

Saturday afternoon, John T. joined Stan in a good nap while Paula and I visited. (I think I told you that one time there were FIVE guys named John visiting Stan at the same time. I started to write that there were FIVE Johns visiting Stan...but thought better of it. Sentence structure can be interesting, can't it!!!)

Cheri, Brian, and I left last night (Saturday) about 11:30 p.m. Pete had gone to a hocky game and then across town to check on Isaac at his cousin's house. Earlier he had gone to Wasilla to help Eric and to leave Cannon over night with Luke. I didn't know what was going on....and worried when he wasn't home when I went to bed. Turned out after discovering Isaac wanted to stay with Jake, Pete went back to the Hospital (just missing us!) and spent the night with Stan.

The doctor did come in and talk with me Saturday morning. She told me she had Stan on vycodin Wednesday morning, afternoon, and Thursday. She feels that is the reason for the slurred thick speech and droopy mouth I noticed on Wednesday. But if it were....why wasn't his mouth droopy on Thursday, too?

He remains much sleepier and has just had tylenol for three days now.

After some encouragement, he did speak plainly and loudly for Dave and Katie tonight when they brought him communion.

I didn't get to the hospital until about 1:30 this afternoon. We had the required annual meeting after services. When I got to the hospital, I figured he would be all done with lunch. His tray was sitting on the table, a spoon with a bite on it was on the tray, and all the bowls etc were still full. There was some white looking stuff that is best described to look like lumpy milk gravy. I took a tiny taste, and wanted to get rid of it. I could not identify what it was, but it was NOT gravy! After reading on the lid, I figured out why I was tasting lemon in it. It was a pureed cod fish dish. The mashed spuds were too thick to eat .... and cold... It was a rather sparse lunch.... There were peaches that he did I got some of his pudding, and asked a nurse if there was any more packets of the protein stuff the nutritionist wants him to eat. She found me some, so I mixed it in the pudding, and fed him that. (John H. brought him the pudding Friday night, and Saturday when the nutritionist said he needed more protein, I mixed it in the pudding, and that made it very edible. Good thinking, John! And another example of God knowing what we need before we do.)

After his lunch, we were deciding where to eat our own meal, and kept adding to our number.... There were eight of us who finally congregated at Lone Star Steak House for an excellent meal and great company. (great "wanted" me to spell it gore.. but I caught it just in time! But it reminded me of our "table talk." How in the world we got on some of the subjects, I'll never know...but one of them was cannibalism, another was having to lance your own ear drum, and there were at least two more just as "gory"!! What a group to eat with!!) The eight were Kathy, Kacee, Phil, Jake, Isaac, Cheri, Pete, and I. Mandy picked up Pete, Isaac, and Jake after dinner...took the boys to Jake's house, and she, Shelby, and Pete went to Wasilla to get Cannon and to enjoy Wasilla church's annual Chili Cook off! Katrina and Ashley both entered it....should have won, but didn't. (that's G'ma talk!!)

Well...back to "after his lunch...." Before we could leave, Kathy sent Isaac and Jake on a "mission." We have LOTS of new snow...all pretty and untouched ... outside Stan's window. The boys stomped out a huge heart, then stomped Stan + Madeline inside it, and then Isaac RAN a much larger heart around the outside of that heart. And he stomped out an arrow thru them. When Jake finished doing his part, he "threw" himself into the snow and made a beautiful snow angel. Then Isaac went around to the top of the hearts where there is a little bank and made three more angels. Of course, I did NOT have my camera...but I will take it tomorrow and get pictures. If the weather stays like it is now, it should not be disturbed!! Cool, huh!! Then I can show it to Stan.

A few weeks ago I bought a soft spongy ball about the size of a croquet ball to rest his left hand on ... Per a nurse's suggestion. Yesterday we discovered if we put the ball in his right hand he can throw Dave M said, he'll be signing up with the major league soon. He has good aim, and also good control. I can't remember who all he played catch with yesterday, but today he played catch with Dave and Katie, and with Shelby (age 5) and then Cannon and Shelby wanted him to throw it at them when they had their back to him. He would adjust the power in his tosses when he threw to or at them. I think he was "playing" catch a few days earlier, too, but not with such precision and control. Who knows WHAT he'll do next.

He had a good dinner tonight, and I did add another packet of the protein powder to his food. I put a little in each of four foods, and that seemed to be okay. Applesauce, a green vegetable, a light orange colored soup that said chicken noodle, and a dish that said turkey/ham made up his dinner...with orange juice and jello...that he didn't eat. He drank at least three cups of water after dinner!! (I finally remembered to bring a lemon for his water!) He is really thirsty .... his lips get so dry they stick to the straw and to the suction device. I try to keep them moist, but it doesn't last. Mine are, too .... I think it is the weather. The temps have been very cold for two days now, and very dry!

Two days updates combined, I can get a little confused. I think it was today that Pete also massaged Stan's shoulder/neck area with the electric massager that Brian left at the hospital.

Our "collection" of things in his room now consists of a shelf full of magazines, the trout that Eric carved, the Myrtlewood bowl that John H. made him, the box of pudding snacks from John, the satin bone pillow from Paula, his green ball, a "bucket" of toys from our basement "storehouse," a large round container of red licorace ropes from Kathy, a Hawaiian shirt for him to wear on Friday's, the Patriot stuff to wear next Sunday from Reggie, the massage oils from "Tulsa" Audrey, the massager, Cannon's truck from Amy (Hardware Specialties), a case of water (usually, we're out right now), fruit, my knitting (that I haven't touched), etc. This is the stuff we LEAVE there. I have packed my Christmas cards back and forth and / or left them there for weeks. Some are mailed (yep!!) and some will be mailed (yep!)... soon, I hope. I'm still aiming for a January mailing!!

I better "shut up" and go to bed. I'm beginning to wonder if there is anything to the "cucumber slices on the eyes for soothing" thing... Do you think that works??

Love, M

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