Friday, January 18, 2008

Day 65

We had a fun filled full house again today. Cheri arrived on schedule.....about 3 at the hospital. She brought beautiful pictures of Sara and a CD to "knock your socks off" of Sara with her dad, 3 or 4 by herself, and David playing his harmonica and guitar in a medley of hymns. Stan got all teary eyed while listening to her. He kept saying how beautiful it was.

Dan and Birdie Parry brought their new granddaughter (and her mom) to see Stan....and he got to "hold" Kelsey (four months old) for a while. That really made his day, too.

Yesterday Hollis was added to our growing list, and today we have Dan, Birdie, Shelley, Kelsey, and Virgil and Anne (Grace's parents) bringing our grand total so far to over 140!!!

The kids went to Orange Julius in the mall today and got Stan his Pina Colada he has been wanting. He said it was "good....AND cold!"

He ate very very well today (partly because the meals were much better than the last two days!) While all the guests went out to eat, Stan, an aide, and I went "swimming." He had his second shower. The sling they produced was not as good as the first one. The shower head knows NO boundaries and is NOT a respecter of persons! Heehee

It is quite the experience to watch (and help) the lift procedure...Also, they could let me help more.

We are going to try to set the meeting for tomorrow. It may not happen until next week, tho, if we can't round up everyone who is supposed to be there.

I've got to go to bed before I start writing silly stuff.

Oh, just to show you how clear headed Stan is, the minute our neighbor walked in Stan said, "Thanks for plowing our driveway, Jeff." (We've been getting a lot of snow lately.) Oh, I almost forgot!! Birdie snuck him some truffles, and I gave him 3 or 4 little shavings. About an hour later he wanted to know where those truffles were! I made him wait until tomorrow, tho. I don't want to upset his blood sugars!!

Love, madeline
(I do love hearing from you and knowing you are praying! I feel it! Thanks you all!)

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