Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Nov 19, 2007

Hi... I just wrote an email for today and attached it to yesterday's that didn't "go" but for some reason what I just typed disappeared when I hit send.

Mostly I just said that today was quiet again from an observer's view point, but then I learned that Stan is feeling pain, but that he just can't show that he is. They are keeping him heavily sedated and giving him fentenol, so that it shouldn't be too severe. I certainly hope and pray it isn't. They were upping his fentenol this morning and I asked why he had a pain med.

I also told you about his nurse, Anne. She is from Belgium. She was his very first nurse, and was caring for him again this afternoon. She was impressed with all the food the church is bringing, and commented that maybe she better attend there. I was telling her how welcome she is, when someone piped up and said we take meals to members who are sick. She said that leaves her out because she is never sick. I told her she could get meals if she had a baby. She turned around and "ran" and was so flustered it took her three times to punch in her code to get back into the CCU unit. LOL

The neurosurgeon did not come by today .... we were expecting him, so I am assuming he had an emergency. He is the doctor on call for the weekend. He said "NO" to the waking up today. There is a CAT scan ordered for tomorrow.

I guess I am getting "rummy" ... I really can't think clearly. I'll try to do better tomorrow.

Love, M

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