Monday, May 12, 2008

May Day

God does take care of me...and He helped me keep my sanity today...but I wouldn't say things were shifted around to work in my favor.

Just as I was finishing changing Stan, he had to have a bm. This is a lengthy ordeal at best. After we finished with that and I was once again about to fasten his diaper on him, I heard 'running water' from someplace. As I was the only one home, I couldn't figure this out. Then found out that his left hand had caught his stomach tube (he has no feeling so didn't know) and with all the turning etc
I had to do to change him etc...the apparatus had pulled loose, and his stomach contents were spewing forth all over the other side of the bed and onto the floor. I had a puddle on the floor that measured about 12 by 30 a wet sheet, draw sheet, etc. I had to put him in the hoyer and take him off the bed so I could clean it up and then clean up the floor (rug, of course.)

I had plans for Pete to come home and spell me so I could run some important errands (F. Meyers called yesterday to tell me Stan's digatek was recalled and I was to not give him any more, but to bring in his pills to trade for new ones. Also, he is almost out of diapers...will be before bedtime... and a few other things I had hoped to take care of...). Instead of coming at one, Pete called at two
with a 'situation.' The flowers he was delivering fell over in the van and had to be re-arranged and broken ones replaced. The person who loaded the van hadn't secured the 'pegs' that hold them from spilling. He is still taking care of this mess at 4:15... He was to trade the pickup for the car from Phil. Phil will not be able to get him the key until 5:45 because he is in rehearsel and can't be disturbed. (Pete probably won't be done until then anyway.)

I apparently thought I'd have a cup of coffee at some point and turned on the burner to heat water. Who knows how long later that I smelled something and realized what I had done... Hopefully I haven't ruined my kettle...and fortunately, I didn't burn the house down!

Now, just which of these incidents do you think was shifted my way to work in my favor??? heehee

What I need is more days like today.............NOT!!

It is beautiful out! Sunny....warm....

Well... get a good laugh out of this...because it is the only way we will stay sane!


Okay... that is the end of my response to the email. Here is the rest of this 'update.'

I had to cancel my appt. to get a recheck on my knee yesterday due to NO car or sitter available. No matter... after five weeks (FIVE WEEKS!) my knee is finally feeling like it is going to heal, so who needs THAT doctor, anyway!! It still thinks it should ache at night, but I can cautiously go down stairs in a normal fashion today. PTL

I did go 'shopping' today and took care of several errands. After wasting about 20 minutes at Sears hoping to check on mattresses there, I told the guy who paged for me that I would have to forget Sears and go elsewhere. My plan was to check on the temper pedic (sp??) type mattresses at 3 or 4 places before making my purchase. I had called Bailey's and Sadler's, but was going to compare their items with a couple more. I knew their prices and what they had to say via phone about the foam mattresses. The Englander at Bailey's and the Seely's at Sadler's were each $999.99 with a ten year guarantee....and both said those breathed...instead of sweat. The original T. pedic mattress apparently does NOT breathe and does make you sleep hot. Stan has always slept HOT, so I knew I didn't want that. I decided to take a look at the Mattress Ranch for a comparison. Those who live in Alaska know the weird ads that the owner puts on...with his dancing, etc. We met him at the fair last summer...and took pictures with him....Isaac and a friend of mine. (I took the pictures!)

He advertises the best prices...and he was right. I got one for $629 with the ten year guarantee and was told I could let Stan sleep on it for three days and if he didn't like it, I could return it!! If it 'sinks' more than half an inch during the ten years, it will be replaced. The mattress he is on now (came with the hospital bed) dips about six inches where his bottom rests! These foam mattresses are sold with frames that adjust (they tell me they don't call them 'hospital beds.')

Another errand I did today was to return the 'urine control' apparatus to the pharmacy (the one we hadn't opened.) I told Joe I didn't want any money back (he had given me such a deal that there was no way I wanted reimbursed.) He ended up GIVING me two $16 dollar washable under pads that are huge...and will save me lots of 'do-re-mi' over time!! And he sold me a box of 'diapers' for a bargain price, too. What a guy!!

Pete is bringing the mattress home 'as I type.' I am anxious to see how Stan rests with it. It should help me avoid bed sores on him, too!!

Hello again! Pete drove up with the mattress, and he, Mandy, and I made the switcheroo! This means getting Stan in the hoyer and letting him 'hang out' while we change out the mattress, remake the bed, etc. Pete gave Stan the bed controls and he has been lying there playing with them ever since.

Andy promised Stan some Deniki dessert yesterday but Grace took a teaching job and didn't get it made. The first thing Stan said to Andy was 'where is it?' So Andy brought it today and fed him some. It is a chocolate pudding and whipped cream dessert. Ashley helped her mom make it. I think Grace taught today, too. Last week Stan asked for her crazy cake WITH cream cheese frostening. He is getting pretty definite about his wants, huh!!! HIs comment while eating is 'yum, yum, eat 'em up!'

I think that about covers it here.......... So, until next time....

Love, M

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