Saturday, March 1, 2008

Feb 26, 2008 Madeleine's Birthday!

WOW! It was may birthday....and WHAT A BIRTHDAY! Since I don't feel (or look ) my age, this one didn't count. Right?

It was a rough day for Stan. He was supposed to have two therapists come, and I was wishing I knew how to get hold of them to cancel. His prune juice etc was NOT working, but making him feel miserable with need. I had to listen to his discomfort all day, and it is very sad to not be able to do anything. Finally, about four with Pete and me doing what we could, he had enough success to settle down and enjoy the evening's company. I know that isn't a pleasant subject, but if this is an update and prayer request listing.... this was a bad day for us. (I was expecting several from church to come that evening and wanted the house to be a little more presentable. This is a house that has been neglected for over 3 months of my going to the hospital and now adjusting to a pretty rigorous schedule. Stan, in all his misery, was worried about me trying to clean house on my birthday!! What a guy!!) (The therapists got lost and /or delayed, so when they called to say they'd come later, I did cancel for the day. He was too exhausted for them to work with him.)

Some of the men have a regular Bible study on Tuesday evenings, as do the women, also. They asked if they could come include Stan in the Bible study, and I knew he would love that. The women decided to come and include me in theirs. So it was to be a really nice evening of fellowship and Bible study. Little did I know!!

I was expecting a few to come around 6:30. Andy, Grace, and kids were here and Grace was leaving to take Andy to work when someone announced that people were starting to arrive. I was in the kitchen with Ashley thinking I should have Grace go by Costco for me on her way back. Ashley ran to catch her while I got my debit and Costco cards for her. I started down the stairs hoping to still catch her, when to my surprise the entry was FULL of people, all carrying food and gifts. I think they may have been shouting SURPRISE! They sang Happy Birthday! To this day, I don't think I know for sure who all was here. I took pictures around, but didn't get back downstairs until the end. I thought I saw John Brewer, but he isn't in my photos... Stan said he WAS here. I wonder who else I may have missed. Stan says there were 100 people here, I said about 50, but I think it was really more like 30... and there were those who couldn't come but sent cards! I do wish my scanner and my brain worked together with this computer. I would email you a picture of my cake. It was adorable!!! A very HAPPY cake.
There were veggies and dips, cheese cake, and Dreyers ice cream (the only kind I eat! I know I'm fussy, but why eat a dessert you don't like??? This is my father in law's fault. I didn't use to eat ice cream at all, until he brought home some EXPENSIVE brand once!! I am hooked on Dreyers vanilla! YUM) And Rick E replenished my fresh pineapple supply! I do love it!! The day before, Mandy and Jeff had brought me over an early birthday cake, so I really was well feted this b'day!

The bouquets!! I took their pictures.... they are all so pretty. And the array of other items, all geared to make me feel special. (It worked!!! thank you all so much.)
Stan was very touched by it all, too. He had been mentioning my birthday everytime someone asked him the date. (His therapists do this regularly to check his awareness. As soon as he heard FEBRUARY, he has been saying, "the 26th is my wife's birthday." (Maybe his memory is TOO good!!)

After all the eating and visiting, we did have a Bible study and prayer time. I am so very blessed!!!

It is now Thursday evening, and the days are pretty settled into our busy routine....of Home Health visits, meds, feedings, changing, washing bedding, etc. So help me, if I don't benefit from all these trips up and down stairs by losing some weight...there is NO justice.

Prayer needs (besides asking for prune juice provided relief) are relief for Stan's neck pain and for his left arm and leg to recover and his left side vision (both eyes) to improve. I am told that this phenomena causes him to "think" he is upright, when in reality he is leaning toward the left. He has "blank or black" areas in his vision as the left side of each eye is impaired. A prayer request for me is that I will be able to keep him free from bed sores and infections.

Thank you all so much!!!

May God bless you richly for your continued care and prayers on our behalf!

Love, M

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