Monday, January 14, 2008

Day 61

Stan has enjoyed having his brothers here. He will miss them. They leave at 6 in the morning (Monday.) I am glad they got to witness just how miraculous his recovery is. It was just 3 weeks ago tonight that he really "woke up." He continues to improve every day.

Last night was his first "reported" real night's sleep he has had in a long time. I had requested that he have four hours without turning etc so he could get some of the deep sleep for healing. They arranged for all meds to be given at midnight along with a turning, and then they let him sleep until six.

Chuck stayed with him while the rest of us went to Church today. He was responsible for feeding Stan lunch, and he passed his "test" just fine. (We took the new Elmore street to church....our first time on the new road. Pete thinks his dad will ove it!!)

After church, Phil had an audition for one of his music classes, Pete, Cannon, Isaac, Chase (Isaac's friend), and I went to get Angie some medicine, return an expensive bow tie to Nordstrom (long story), and get some dinner....and then ON to the hospital. Okay, okay....Phil received some gift certs for Nordstrom's from his students parents, and the only thing he "needed" or could find to buy was a $45 bow tie. He found one good enough for his needs at Burlington Coat Factory for $3.00!! Angie is sick....hopefully NOT with pneumonia. Brian had to work.

When we got to the hospital, we met Mandy and Shelby just leaving. Stan was watching the end of the football game....Cowboys and Giants. NY won. So now Katrina's Packers get to play NY. We are still planning on Green Bay winning the Super Bowl. Somebody did say that Doug and Becki are nice folks...too bad they have this hang up for the Patriots.

I fed Stan his dinner and just after he finished, Mandy and Shelby came back. Mandy said she had something to show Stan. She seemed pretty excited (or was it "nervous")?? Pete put his sun glasses on Stan because the lights over head seemed to hurt his eyes. Mandy pulled the curtain closed, and showed him her Christmas present. A beautiful pistol... I guess when she was there earlier she had told him about it and promised to bring it back for him to see. So there he was with a pistol in his good hand and fancy sun glasses on his face, looking all the world like some kind of gangster!!! Paula and Brian both took pictures with their digital cameras. I had taken my camera home the day before!!! Bummer!!

So........with a dozen or so "witnesses" Mandy showed Stan her "countraband." There is a sign on the front of the building that is a "no guns allowed" symbol. In her defense, I had passed by it dozens of times without noticing it, and then when I DID notice first thought was that it was a no smoking sign. I had to take a second look to register that it was a No Gun sign. About that time.....we were all laughing and joking....a nurse or aide walked in and asked what was going on. Chuck quickly stuck the gun in his back pocket and sat down. The "intruder" noticed the sun glasses on Stan and assumed that was the excitement cause. Heehee....there is never a dull moment around us, I do believe!!!

Earlier, Stan had looked sleepy and Katie said if he went to sleep, she guessed she and Dave would have to leave.........SOOOOO, Stan pretened to snore!! He really hasn't lost his sense of humor!!!

Deryl and Kelly came in time to "rescue" Mandy and Shelby from our silly influence.

I did talk to a couple of night nurses before leaving about "please making sure Stan was comfortable before leaving alone for the night."

Love, M

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