Saturday, January 12, 2008

Day 59

Again, I am writing this the "morning after."

Stan's brothers arrived at the hospital about 4:30 p.m. He was so excited to see them. And they kept saying "how good he looked." And he does....look pretty good.

He ate two meals yesterday again. He was pretty tired during dinner and wasn't sure he wanted to eat. He had a kind of speghetti for lunch. Noodles do NOT puree, so he didn't eat much of them. He ate the rest of his food, tho. Then for dinner he had beef stir fry and rice, a creamy soup we think was vegetable, broccoli, and strawberries. He ate 98% of it. He has to be taking in enough calories to sustain life before he can get off the feeding tube.

The OT (occupational with upper body) made him "earn" his juice earlier. He told me he was thirsty, so I mixed up some apple juice for him (it has to be thickened), and had just given him a couple of sips when she came in. She was teaching him to use his hand and arm to get a spoon to his mouth. The juice doesn't stay on very well when the spoon gets turned sideways or upside down. His hand hurts a lot right now....I think he has a pinched nerve in his neck. I do want him to be able to do things, but sometimes he needs other attention, too.

He also had PT (phyical therapy....which is the lower extremities). He was "supposed" to get a shower, but it didn't happen. They had a chair that looked like it had a padded toilet seat and a mesh back and side to strap him to..... He was really looking forward to that, but the aides got busy. (I looked at that chair, and remembered my conversation with the nurse the day before....and wondered why it or something similar couldn't work for a toilet. A bed pan does NOT work, but when I suggested two of his sons help him unto a commode and steady him, I was refused....too much liability. So, why not use that shower chair!!! It looked ideal. )

Hopefully, he'll get the shower today. I was told they wanted me in with him to learn how to do it. I helped mom and Julie, I am pretty sure I can manage this.

He proudly showed off the fish Eric brought him the night before. They are beautiful.

I tried to make a snow ball........there is no way to make a snow man with this snow. Just a lot of fluff. Pretty tho....the trees are LADEN down.... everything is White! It was 4 degrees on my way to the hospital yesterday (Friday), and 6 on my way home. The forecast is for minus 3 tonight (Saturday). Poor Chuck and Danny picked a cold spell to come!! It is supposed to warm up by next weekend (to the high teens).

I was told he may get his trach taken OUT today or tomorrow!!! That will be exciting. He is READY!!

Everyone comments on his "cool" haircut. He loves it....

I guess his most specific prayer need now is to have his left side respond to "his" commands. So far, there is no results there.

Thank you all for your support!! I know it keeps him focused on the right direction instead of him getting discouraged over what he can NOT do. We keep telling him what a miracle he is and what a miracle every little accomplishment is! To see what he is doing now and compare it to just two weeks ago.... God has truly been at work answering our prayers!!!

Love, M

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