Tuesday, December 18, 2007

day 34

Okay everyone.....take a really big, deep breath, let it out, tell God "thank you," and rejoice with me a "little."

The EEG shows activity on the left side of Stan's brain. The activity on the right side is "slowed." The MRI has NO significant damage to the left side. The right side is severly damaged by the stroke. The top and bottom areas of the right side look "normal" but they have to travel through the center right to be useful....and since the center of the right side is virtually gone, they may not be able to connect. The right side controls the left side of the body and vice versa.

The neurologist tells me she can see NO reason for Stan to not wake up. She is very guarded and makes no statement that could be miscontrued as a "positive" or a promise. She also emphasizes that he may never wake up, but nothing on his MRI or EEG tells her he can't. She also says that IF he does wake up, it could be partial. The wonderful part is, this is not the bleak picture told to me last night by the intensivist. Tonight we had a different intensivest...who has read the neurologist's report. He said with her statement that the brain is active, he feels we should wait another one or two weeks to see what happens, and then reassess Stan's progress or lack of.

It isn't the earth shattering news we'd like to hear, but definitely better than yesterday.

It was pretty special to have a good friend doing the MRI and allowing Andy and me to watch (while eating a piece of Christmas candy he and his wife had made the night before!! and getting a hug from him as we left the area.....now that IS service!!) It is very comforting to have a friend in "court." Talk about being blessed....a retired RT, an MRI tech, and a few thousand praying friends (those two included in the number) keeping Stan's name before the Lord.....I can't help but think of George Bailey in "It's a Wonderful Life." I can't wait to share all this with Stan.

I do think I'll sleep a bit better tonight.

We will be having a meeting with various persons in the morning at 11 Alaska time to discuss options of future care, financial options, physicians' reports or prognosis, etc. It is a time when the kids can ask questions, voice opinions, etc. I really wasn't aware of such things, but one of Stan's nurses insisted this is the next step.

Nope, we aren't lighting any fireworks yet, but I sure feel more like doing so!

Brian and Angie started my car tonight and then "baby sat" it while it warmed up while I made one more visit with Stan. I am glad I did, too. There were a couple of care items he needed attended to that got taken care of because I was there to mention them. Because the kids were waiting for me, I didn't tarry to help, but would have.

He is coughing up a lot of gunk on his own. While I was visiting with Carol E. I glanced at his "numbers" and noticed his oxygen was dropping too low. I jumped up to check it out, and found the hose about 18 inches or more from the connection! He had coughed it loose.

Oh dear...I cannot stay awake, so I'll tell you my "funny" for the day and go to bed.

Getting ready to leave the MRI area, we were waiting on the lift team. When they weren't appearing, I volunteered Andy to help roll his dad back to his room. ONLY...I said, "Stan can help push." So Dave piped up with, "And Andy can ride."

I am getting silly...so will go to bed!

Love, M

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