I really got a "kick" out of the note Deryl left me one day when he "beat me to the hospital." He said he had a nice chat with Stan, and that Stan let him do most of the talking. And John T. said Stan didn't complain about his jokes like Paula does. I pressed the point, and found that Stan didn't laugh at them either.
Back to today's lunch outing.... First you all know I am "from Oregon" (even tho I've been here for 25 years!), and second that the Lucky Wishbone is one of our favorite restaurants here. That said.....well, I will confess that I took Pete to Benihana's. If Kathy hadn't taken me there, I wouldn't have known about it, and I would be a few dollars richer now. If you aren't familiar with it, it is Japanese. You watch the chef cook your food.............no, PREPARE your food...right in front of you, doing an exciting floor show as he cooks. He spins his utinsels, throws the condiment shakers behind his back, catching them with the opposite hand, etc....etc. And the best part of all is the taste. Absolutely delicious!!
Our chef looked at me and said, "Are you from Oregon?" I thought maybe with all his talent for twirling and throwing and cooking, he was also psychic!! Then Pete told me I was wearing the Lincoln City T shirt the girls had bought me this summer. As he proceeded to prepare our meal with great gusto and showmanship, he commented about it being much better than Lucky Wishbone. I was clueless!! It was hours later that I realized Pete was wearing the Lucky Wishbone sweat shirt I bought him when we ate dinner there. So much for being psychic!
I was later than usual getting to the hospital today because of another "water" problem. I thought Phil had used all the hot water. He was innocent! While repairing the pipes yesterday, the gas was turned off accidentally for a couple of minutes, but that was long enough for the pilot light to go out on the water heater..........so "the house" was the culprit. I think it is missing Stan, too, and trying to show me how much I need him just for everyday things. I wish it could be convinced that I already KNOW that!!
I was blessed to have Pete here. He had been going to Wasilla with Andy, but decided to stay with Mom that night!! Phil had already left for work, and even tho I guessed to check the pilot light, I had NO idea how or where to light it. God is so good! He takes care of my needs before I know I have a need.
I had to wait for the water to heat. I just can't face the day without my shower.
When I got there, I found Stan enduring John's jokes, and keeping his numbers stable in spite of them. In fact, his oxygen had been turned down to 40% and his peep is set at 8! Before all the proning, he ranged from 100% / 16 peep to 70%(rarely) and 10 peep (again rarely....he was mostly at 80 - 90% and 12 peep). He is now completely taken off all seditives...and holding very stable, so we are getting very anxious to have him wake up!!! I hate to be gone at night because I want to be there when he "opens his eyes." I am holding fast to God's coat tail and trying to trust Him completely. I have had a great peace about "whatever" the outcome, because I did put Stan in God's hands early on, and have tried to keep my hands off. I know that God's decision in Stan's life will be best. I continually receive encouragement from each of you. I am saving all the beautiful words being said and written to me in cards, emails, etc. I knew I had a "keeper" when I married him, but it is pretty nice to have that fact reiterated to me over and over. My mother often said, "Aren't we glad we married him." That pretty much sums it up!!!
The kids did a great job decorating the tree. I was told that Luke almost "destroyed" it....by throwing a large Raggedy Andy doll at it from above. But that "disaster" did NOT happen...so all is well. He does have a great throwing arm and good aim for a two year old!
The food blessings continue. Today our nearest neighbor prepared an wonderful basketful of delicious food...including her homemade rolls (that we look forward to every Christmas!!). While I was waiting for the enforced "no visiting" time to end, I met a young man whose mother is not expected to live. I offered for him to share in my "bounty" but he said he wasn't hungry. His mother's name is Amy, and she is a year younger than Stan almost exactly. You are welcome to join me in praying for her. She had an anurism in her brain.
Your prayers are being heard on Eddie's behalf. He was better today. Thank you. I shared with Nancy that there are friends praying for them.
There is so much happening in the CCU unit during the past 3 1/2 weeks. It is heart rending. Like in Tulsa, it is an ongoing issue. One recovers and two more take their place. But we rejoice each time someone goes home.
The wind is raging outside. It must be blowing at least 90 mph gusts, with sustained winds of more than 50mph. I do not like the wind, Sam I Am. I do not like them here or there. I do not like them anywhere.
I left Stan in a "face up" position. The nurse said it didn't look like they'd be proning him tonight. He really does look good....and his nurses are all super. We are definitely on a first name basis with several of them. And they are so personable to him as they care for him.... always telling him what they are doing, without really knowing if he hears or not. Maybe tomorrow we'll find out!!!
Night for now.........Love, Madeline