He has wraps on his calves that inflate and massage to stave off clots....so each calf has a tube attached to a machine on the floor at the foot of the bed. He has the feeding tube in his nose............and a jillion other things between the leg and nose tubes. He really DOES look like a "bad plumber" (hmmmm...or is it a bad electrician) has been at work on him.
I was surprised to see him flipped again, because it didn't sound like they were going to. He has stayed very stable ever since the first proning....and I do mean stable. They lower his oxygen, and he continues to thrive. Now if he would JUST wake up!!!! They did tell me again today that he has been "out" for so long, that it will take him a long time to wake. So I will be patient and trust in God.
Mandy told me that Shelby (age five) prays for Stan every day, and last night she asked God to take care of "Mrs. Stan," too. And Luke (our grandson age two) bows his head and prays for Papa. And I know that so many many more are praying for him daily. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
We have seen so many come and go thru the CCU unit during the past 3+ weeks. Thankfully, only one death has occurred. There is ONE man who has been traveling a very similar road as Stan. He came in the day after Stan, and had his surgery the day before Stan. The problem has been both their lungs. He (Eddie) was actually sitting up a little earlier in the week. And "dopily" awake....but today, while things are looking up a little for Stan, Eddie took a turn for the worse. The big difference is............while Stan has had over 100 visitors, Eddie's wife has had NO ONE but us. I like to think there is an outside support group...like so many of you are, but she has been carrying this burden daily by herself. Her name is Nancy, and today she was pretty bleak because they were beginning to prepare her for the worse. I would appreciate it if you would join me in praying for Eddie and Nancy.
A Yupik Indian man was in the waiting room for his brother who had heart surgery. I saw him hold on to the doctor's sleeve and pray for the doctor when he gave his "after surgery" report. After the doctor left he started visiting with me and when Gary and Marilyn Andersen arrived he held Marilyn's and my hand, sang a song about Jesus in Yupik and then prayed for my "white man" husband, asking God to fix him. It was beautiful. At first I wasn't even sure he spoke English, because his wife translated everything the doctor said to him into Yupik. I had told him that I am Coos indian, so I don't know why he "assumed" my husband was a white man.
I was visiting with Paula Toms and Jean Houston when I saw Dr. Downs go into the CCU, so I jumped up to follow and invited the "gals" to come with me so they could see how rough he is on Stan's head. Of course, today he was as gentle as a lamb!!! Two very slow easy head shakes, NO pointy tissue in the eye ball, no jerking his hand toward Stan as tho to smack him...HONEST, those are what he did when there were no other witnesses!! He did say he got some response from Stan, tho. He also told me that he was being rotated out and that "Santa Claus" would be our next neurologist. (Actually, he said, "He has trimmed his beard and got some hair cut off so that he doesn't look quite as much like Santa now."
We three "good, obedient" females were a little nervous about 3 of us being in the room, so we decided that Paula and I were each 3/4 a person, and Jean was 1/2 a person...so we really totalled two. Then Mandy came in, so we decided she was just "wee" and didn't add up to any more, but then Pete walked in....and there is NO way you can call him "wee"...........but doctors and nurses were making regular comings and goings for some reason....and no one said "boo."
Pete is here to help me get at my ornaments....so I better go. Actually, it is bed time....
Love, M
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