I started out the day going to the Native Hospital to check on Phil. He was being released, so I decided I better just wait for him. It took them until noon to get all the paper work, etc ready. I was going to take him home (to get his sax) and then back to school for a final, and THEN finally go to Regional Hosp. to see Stan.
Phil's girlfriend arrived just as we were leaving, so she "took care" of Phil for me. I made it to Stan's hosp. at 12:30.... of course, anxious to be there. I had called before I left home to see how his night went. The nurse was just preparing his first feeding in the stomach tube when I called.
Phil is "fine." Meaning, his esophagus is working, I guess. The second look we thought was scheduled for today (Friday) didn't happen. A different doctor signed him out. His follow up is for sleep apnea (they noticed during his stay) and not for anything to do with the problem he had encountered. So we don't know for sure just why the bite of steak got stuck so firmly. He tells me he did fine on his final in the afternoon.
When I got to Regional I was pretty "shaky," a symptom of my blood sugars hitting rock bottom....so I had to get something to eat. I went to the cafeteria with my body, while my mind was longing to be seeing Stan. As I sat down to eat, I checked my pocket for the cell phone and found it wasn't there. I had to eat...so of course, was on pins and needles wondering where I had lost the phone. I had to go back out to the car, retracing my steps and checking all the way, hoping I didn't have to go back to the other hospital. It had fallen out between the front car seats! So....FINALLY I made it to Stan's room, a complete WRECK!! I had a mini-melt down....mostly because I was asked by staff 3 or 4 times "how are you?" So I guess they now know I am "human."
The RT on duty and Kathy were both very excited that Stan had been taken off the ventilator and put on a BI-PAP machine. It is a step down from the vent. He is breathing with a "push" from the machine. They did try him on just oxygen, but he wouldn't or couldn't breath that way, so they added the "pressure" that this machine gives. I know that is very simplified....but it's the best I can do.
He is "eating" again around the clock. They had turned off the food for almost 18 hours to get ready, to install, and to let the stomach tube settle in.....
He appears to be sleeping very peacefully, he has no sedatives or pain meds at all being administered.
His blotches are no better and no worse. Still a bit of a mystery. His numbers are still "good."
His original neurologist will rotate back in Saturday morning and I will be there early so I can be sure to see her. She was always available to me, even giving me her home phone when she rotated out. The next "set" of neurologists were a brother sister team whom I saw each day. When their rotation ended the brother told me who to expect. (The Santa Claus look a like). He never showed ONCE! I have since had rolled eyes and a guarded comments from some of Stan's doctors and nurses....so I guess we didn't lose anything by NOT seeing him. (Maybe he is busy this time of year, getting ready for his sleigh ride???)
I am told Dr. Madden will be doing a thorough exam. She was never able to do a good assessment of his brain because he was on the induced coma. I am anxious to see her.
I sure do wish he would wake up. I need HIM....
The weather has turned cold (ER) and the sky was bright blue. We had such a beautiful sunset (after a week of grey days) that the RT came to tell me to check out the window. I am glad she did. It was good to see God smiling again.
I am writing this on Saturday morning because I couldn't stay awake last night. Sorry to disappoint those who enjoy my sleepy time additions!! heehee
I am "out the door" to catch the Doctor and get her report. Hopefully, I'll have some good news tonight.
Love, M
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Friday, December 14, 2007
As Paul Harvey would say, " And now for the rest of the story....!"
While I wrote last night, my mind was very much on another event unfolding a few miles away in the Native Hospital ER.
When Isaac, Pete, and I got home about 11 p.m. Phil and his girl friend Kacee were having a late dinner of steak. Phil looked a bit peaked, and admitted to Pete that he had "followed his example" and took five Aleve tablets. (Pete says that when someone asked him why he took five excedrin at once, he told them "because I can't swallow seven."
Then Phil noticed on the bottle that it says "no more than 3 in a 24 hour period." (Phil has a pinched nerve in his lower back or something...causing pain down his leg and in his hip.)
Pete decided he would take Phil to the ER, but before he could, Phil started "vomiting"....with nothing coming up. He wretched so hard that the blood vessels in his face around his eyes, on his upper cheeks, and on his forehead burst...so he has a "purple rash" there.
At the ER, the doctor said the overdose of Aleve wouldn't really hurt, just DON"T do it again. But when Phil con't. to vomit with no results, the doctor had him take a drink of water. It wouldn't go down. She told Phil he had an esphogeal blockage.... So while I was writing to you, and later pacing the floor waiting for some word on Phil...and getting more and more sleepy....Phil was getting ready for surgery. I did get to talk to Pete about 2a.m. and discovered that surgery was in the plans for Phil. I went to bed because I HAD to, but I woke up at 6:30 and found the boys were not home...so knew he must have had surgery.
Pete called me about 7, I got showered, Pete came home and showered...and we began our hospital "rounds."
Stan was due for surgery at 12:30. I wanted to be there. But first I needed to be sure my "baby" was okay. He was so sleepy. He is in room 413, but will hopefully be going home tomorrow. He missed a class tonight, and has his Master Class test tomorrow if he gets "out" and is able to play his sax.
Phil did manage to drink a couple of sips of water while we were there....and they did go down. So we gave him a kiss, met Andy for some bfst before I got sick....and headed for the next hospital.
Phil's blockage was the only bite of steak he had taken. It was so difficult to get out that the surgeon had to bring in the "big guys" to dislodge it...meaning, after trying the nice easy flexible "grabber" and failing, she used a rigid "pipe" that required securing his head in a position that made the trip thru his mouth to his esophagus a straight line. She told Pete it was VERY difficult to get out. She is pretty sure the bite was stuck because of some scarring that occurred when he was a toddler. At 14 months he was helping Julie unload the dishwasher and scooped up some of the dw soap that had disolved but not washed away (activated lye)...and proceeded to eat it. Nursing him probably saved his life or at least his esophogus. We spent the day in the hospital while they put him out and took a look. The doctor must have missed seeing a burned spot back then. The diagnosis then was that if it was burned they would have to replace it with a piece of colon.
They are going back "in" tomorrow to take a better look at what is there. So he is lounging in bed in room 413 tonight.
Back to Alaska Regional....Stan had a good night. Preparations for his surgery began in his room. They brought in a couple of "crash carts" etc...a flouroscope and screen...whatever it is where they can see what is going on inside. After everything was in place, including the assistant doctor, the "prima donna" walked in and ousted me!! (I shouldn't call him that...he was so nice...but it is so funny. Hey, he had on an absolutely lovely necktie that complimented his peach colored shirt perfectly!) Instead of the "half hour or less, don't go far" time, it took a little more than 45 minutes. But he said all went well. My boys weren't at all curious to see the tube....but I may very well be having to feed him, and I wanted to see it. The doctor also left me two sheets of pictures... so if you are curious, just ask. I'll show you. Again my very very big boys opted to NOT look at them. LOL
There is a light on a tube that goes thru the mouth into the stomach and locates the place closest to the outside of the body and farthest from other vital parts. That is where a 1/2 inch incision is made. Then the feeding tube is inserted thru the mouth to that incision spot and out thru the incision. There is a "button" on the end of it that fits inside the stomach against the wall of the incision area. The tube is pulled thru the incision and another "button" is placed on the outside of the stomach. He was taken off the nose tube at midnight last night, and won't get anything into the stomach tube until tomorrow. It will stay in him for at least six weeks...even if he gets where it isn't needed anymore. That is because it takes that long for the area to scar together...stomach and outer wall... so that when the buttons are removed there won't be a gap between where food could escape into his innards. Aren't you glad for a layman's biology lesson!!!
This will be much easier for him and his "feeder." Many people live active lives with them intact.
The doctor (intensivist) said his lungs are healing, and it looks like they will be taking him off the ventilator soon, and putting him just on oxygen thru his trach. When that happens, he will probably be transferred to PCU or to St. Elias long term care hospital. I do not know if I make that choice, or they do. You'll have to wait for that installment. (So will I.)
What numbers he still has "going" are all continuing to be very good. The BIG question is his head!!! If he will just PLEASE wake up and show us he is "there" all will be wonderful!!
There are lots of other entertaining things going on in his room, but I am not sure how "graphic" I should be. After all, you ARE a mixed audience! But suffice it to say, bags ballooning up to where we fear they'll pop, does keep us awake and hopping.
We are still going with the injection site theory of his spots....they are not getting any better or worse right now. We are watching new injection sites to see if they develop these blotches.
Pete was going to cut his toenails, but didn't get it done. And now he is on his way to the airport to go to Carson City / Reno to take care of some needs there. He will be back, probably after Christmas with his family.
New people keep coming to the CCU.....the beds that were vacated are full again. A lady in the waiting room whose husband had heart surgery today gave Isaac a hand held Poker game. She cried when I thanked her and told her about his mom. I told her that gift showed him that there is still unselfish love around. She was helping Yupik Johnny find a phone number in the book. So while I am spending more and more time sitting in Stan's room hoping for some sign of waking, she has taken on the task of helping Johnny thru this confusing place and time. God IS good!!!
Phil will be fine. He may have to have some corrective surgery. Stan WILL be fine!!
Lane and Leigh did get to Tulsa to collect Jeanne. They have decided to NOT do the last chemo. That seems to me to be a very wise choice. I hope their trip was not too hard. I am assuming they are home now. I hope she is enjoying the first night in her own bed since the last of August!!
I think that Roger is no better, maybe worse.... I am getting my updates third or fourth hand.
Please let us all pray for him and these others.
Love, M
While I wrote last night, my mind was very much on another event unfolding a few miles away in the Native Hospital ER.
When Isaac, Pete, and I got home about 11 p.m. Phil and his girl friend Kacee were having a late dinner of steak. Phil looked a bit peaked, and admitted to Pete that he had "followed his example" and took five Aleve tablets. (Pete says that when someone asked him why he took five excedrin at once, he told them "because I can't swallow seven."
Then Phil noticed on the bottle that it says "no more than 3 in a 24 hour period." (Phil has a pinched nerve in his lower back or something...causing pain down his leg and in his hip.)
Pete decided he would take Phil to the ER, but before he could, Phil started "vomiting"....with nothing coming up. He wretched so hard that the blood vessels in his face around his eyes, on his upper cheeks, and on his forehead burst...so he has a "purple rash" there.
At the ER, the doctor said the overdose of Aleve wouldn't really hurt, just DON"T do it again. But when Phil con't. to vomit with no results, the doctor had him take a drink of water. It wouldn't go down. She told Phil he had an esphogeal blockage.... So while I was writing to you, and later pacing the floor waiting for some word on Phil...and getting more and more sleepy....Phil was getting ready for surgery. I did get to talk to Pete about 2a.m. and discovered that surgery was in the plans for Phil. I went to bed because I HAD to, but I woke up at 6:30 and found the boys were not home...so knew he must have had surgery.
Pete called me about 7, I got showered, Pete came home and showered...and we began our hospital "rounds."
Stan was due for surgery at 12:30. I wanted to be there. But first I needed to be sure my "baby" was okay. He was so sleepy. He is in room 413, but will hopefully be going home tomorrow. He missed a class tonight, and has his Master Class test tomorrow if he gets "out" and is able to play his sax.
Phil did manage to drink a couple of sips of water while we were there....and they did go down. So we gave him a kiss, met Andy for some bfst before I got sick....and headed for the next hospital.
Phil's blockage was the only bite of steak he had taken. It was so difficult to get out that the surgeon had to bring in the "big guys" to dislodge it...meaning, after trying the nice easy flexible "grabber" and failing, she used a rigid "pipe" that required securing his head in a position that made the trip thru his mouth to his esophagus a straight line. She told Pete it was VERY difficult to get out. She is pretty sure the bite was stuck because of some scarring that occurred when he was a toddler. At 14 months he was helping Julie unload the dishwasher and scooped up some of the dw soap that had disolved but not washed away (activated lye)...and proceeded to eat it. Nursing him probably saved his life or at least his esophogus. We spent the day in the hospital while they put him out and took a look. The doctor must have missed seeing a burned spot back then. The diagnosis then was that if it was burned they would have to replace it with a piece of colon.
They are going back "in" tomorrow to take a better look at what is there. So he is lounging in bed in room 413 tonight.
Back to Alaska Regional....Stan had a good night. Preparations for his surgery began in his room. They brought in a couple of "crash carts" etc...a flouroscope and screen...whatever it is where they can see what is going on inside. After everything was in place, including the assistant doctor, the "prima donna" walked in and ousted me!! (I shouldn't call him that...he was so nice...but it is so funny. Hey, he had on an absolutely lovely necktie that complimented his peach colored shirt perfectly!) Instead of the "half hour or less, don't go far" time, it took a little more than 45 minutes. But he said all went well. My boys weren't at all curious to see the tube....but I may very well be having to feed him, and I wanted to see it. The doctor also left me two sheets of pictures... so if you are curious, just ask. I'll show you. Again my very very big boys opted to NOT look at them. LOL
There is a light on a tube that goes thru the mouth into the stomach and locates the place closest to the outside of the body and farthest from other vital parts. That is where a 1/2 inch incision is made. Then the feeding tube is inserted thru the mouth to that incision spot and out thru the incision. There is a "button" on the end of it that fits inside the stomach against the wall of the incision area. The tube is pulled thru the incision and another "button" is placed on the outside of the stomach. He was taken off the nose tube at midnight last night, and won't get anything into the stomach tube until tomorrow. It will stay in him for at least six weeks...even if he gets where it isn't needed anymore. That is because it takes that long for the area to scar together...stomach and outer wall... so that when the buttons are removed there won't be a gap between where food could escape into his innards. Aren't you glad for a layman's biology lesson!!!
This will be much easier for him and his "feeder." Many people live active lives with them intact.
The doctor (intensivist) said his lungs are healing, and it looks like they will be taking him off the ventilator soon, and putting him just on oxygen thru his trach. When that happens, he will probably be transferred to PCU or to St. Elias long term care hospital. I do not know if I make that choice, or they do. You'll have to wait for that installment. (So will I.)
What numbers he still has "going" are all continuing to be very good. The BIG question is his head!!! If he will just PLEASE wake up and show us he is "there" all will be wonderful!!
There are lots of other entertaining things going on in his room, but I am not sure how "graphic" I should be. After all, you ARE a mixed audience! But suffice it to say, bags ballooning up to where we fear they'll pop, does keep us awake and hopping.
We are still going with the injection site theory of his spots....they are not getting any better or worse right now. We are watching new injection sites to see if they develop these blotches.
Pete was going to cut his toenails, but didn't get it done. And now he is on his way to the airport to go to Carson City / Reno to take care of some needs there. He will be back, probably after Christmas with his family.
New people keep coming to the CCU.....the beds that were vacated are full again. A lady in the waiting room whose husband had heart surgery today gave Isaac a hand held Poker game. She cried when I thanked her and told her about his mom. I told her that gift showed him that there is still unselfish love around. She was helping Yupik Johnny find a phone number in the book. So while I am spending more and more time sitting in Stan's room hoping for some sign of waking, she has taken on the task of helping Johnny thru this confusing place and time. God IS good!!!
Phil will be fine. He may have to have some corrective surgery. Stan WILL be fine!!
Lane and Leigh did get to Tulsa to collect Jeanne. They have decided to NOT do the last chemo. That seems to me to be a very wise choice. I hope their trip was not too hard. I am assuming they are home now. I hope she is enjoying the first night in her own bed since the last of August!!
I think that Roger is no better, maybe worse.... I am getting my updates third or fourth hand.
Please let us all pray for him and these others.
Love, M
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Day 29
Dear Ones....
I don't want to write today....
Stan is still "out" but his numbers are staying "good." He is having the feeding tube inserted into his stomach and taken out of his nose tomorrow. He has a new rash...kind of measley looking on his arms between his wrists and elbows. This has nothing to do with the blotches. The only doctor I saw today was the surgeon who will be inserting the feeding tube. I had questions to ask, but the only one I was able to ask is "can the tube wait until after Friday?" That is because we are hoping to have him wake up, and if he is re-sedated, it will be a step backward. The doctor assured me that it will be a tiny bit of short lived sedative, and a local thing to deaden the area on his stomach where they make a 1/2 inch incision. So I signed.....
Both occupational therapy and physical therapy were taught to me today... I am to do 3 reps 3 times a day on his feet and legs, and 5 reps 3 times a day on his arms. His muscle tone seems to be nonexistant. I have been working on his fingers and arms and a little on his feet all along. We need to keep his joints from stiffening.
We seem to be allowed to stay even during the shift change in the evenings now. I'm not sure that is an encouraging sign.... But I will NOT lose hope!!
My heart is aching pretty badly tho. Both Amy (expected) and Eddie died. I didn't have much contact with Amy's son, but Nancy I have been very close through this last month. Eddie just died about 8 tonight.
Johnny, my little Yupik friend, is now able to stay in his brother's room. They moved him from CCU to the heart floor today. They put in a roll a way bed for Johnny. I am so glad that God blessed me with the ability to get him a room for the last four nights. All day long he sits in his brother's CCU room and looks so worried. Today he has a smile, and again prayed for Stan and thanked God that God let him meet me. Isn't that wonderful!!! He held my hand and Pete's and Andy and Brian were there with us and joined in a circle. I just love the way he prays for my white man and asks God to "fix" him. I love all your prayers, but this simple little man is such a gift from God.
I wish I knew Amy's son's name, but I don't. I told Nancy that you would be praying for her. In her 34 years of marriage they even worked together, so were almost never apart. This will be very hard for her. They have no children because he wasn't able, but she told me she knew that but decided she would rather have him and no children than no him. It is so wonderful to see such dedication and love. She was with him all day every day.....for 28 days here.
I would really appreciate it if you would keep my sister Jeanne in prayer, too, especially tomorrow (the 13th) because she will be traveling home from Tulsa. That is the plan anyway. But I understand she is very weak right now. (For any who don't know, she has lung cancer and is just finishing another round of chemo. She lives in Oregon. Her husband and daughter in law have traveled to Tulsa to get her. Lane did tell me that it took people to replace me. It is hard for me to not be there for her.)
There is another prayer request.... Roger Buck had a heart attack a few days ago, and I just heard he has taken a turn for the worse. He and his wife Sue are Christians in Eugene....many of you know them.
Thank you for keeping this vigil with me and my kids. We are told that the road ahead is a very long one. I won't do daily emails for years, but for now, I hope you all don't mind staying in tune with me. I am comforted by all your support. Thank you.
Love, M
i’m is proud to present Cause Effect, a series about real people making a difference. Learn more
I don't want to write today....
Stan is still "out" but his numbers are staying "good." He is having the feeding tube inserted into his stomach and taken out of his nose tomorrow. He has a new rash...kind of measley looking on his arms between his wrists and elbows. This has nothing to do with the blotches. The only doctor I saw today was the surgeon who will be inserting the feeding tube. I had questions to ask, but the only one I was able to ask is "can the tube wait until after Friday?" That is because we are hoping to have him wake up, and if he is re-sedated, it will be a step backward. The doctor assured me that it will be a tiny bit of short lived sedative, and a local thing to deaden the area on his stomach where they make a 1/2 inch incision. So I signed.....
Both occupational therapy and physical therapy were taught to me today... I am to do 3 reps 3 times a day on his feet and legs, and 5 reps 3 times a day on his arms. His muscle tone seems to be nonexistant. I have been working on his fingers and arms and a little on his feet all along. We need to keep his joints from stiffening.
We seem to be allowed to stay even during the shift change in the evenings now. I'm not sure that is an encouraging sign.... But I will NOT lose hope!!
My heart is aching pretty badly tho. Both Amy (expected) and Eddie died. I didn't have much contact with Amy's son, but Nancy I have been very close through this last month. Eddie just died about 8 tonight.
Johnny, my little Yupik friend, is now able to stay in his brother's room. They moved him from CCU to the heart floor today. They put in a roll a way bed for Johnny. I am so glad that God blessed me with the ability to get him a room for the last four nights. All day long he sits in his brother's CCU room and looks so worried. Today he has a smile, and again prayed for Stan and thanked God that God let him meet me. Isn't that wonderful!!! He held my hand and Pete's and Andy and Brian were there with us and joined in a circle. I just love the way he prays for my white man and asks God to "fix" him. I love all your prayers, but this simple little man is such a gift from God.
I wish I knew Amy's son's name, but I don't. I told Nancy that you would be praying for her. In her 34 years of marriage they even worked together, so were almost never apart. This will be very hard for her. They have no children because he wasn't able, but she told me she knew that but decided she would rather have him and no children than no him. It is so wonderful to see such dedication and love. She was with him all day every day.....for 28 days here.
I would really appreciate it if you would keep my sister Jeanne in prayer, too, especially tomorrow (the 13th) because she will be traveling home from Tulsa. That is the plan anyway. But I understand she is very weak right now. (For any who don't know, she has lung cancer and is just finishing another round of chemo. She lives in Oregon. Her husband and daughter in law have traveled to Tulsa to get her. Lane did tell me that it took people to replace me. It is hard for me to not be there for her.)
There is another prayer request.... Roger Buck had a heart attack a few days ago, and I just heard he has taken a turn for the worse. He and his wife Sue are Christians in Eugene....many of you know them.
Thank you for keeping this vigil with me and my kids. We are told that the road ahead is a very long one. I won't do daily emails for years, but for now, I hope you all don't mind staying in tune with me. I am comforted by all your support. Thank you.
Love, M
i’m is proud to present Cause Effect, a series about real people making a difference. Learn more
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Day 28
I was a little late getting started today....and had to clean snow off my car before leaving home. It snowed all day, but didn't mount up to that much. Downtown is more "mush" than snow! At our house it is pretty....but it is a very wet, snowman making snow. Ashley and I want to build one, but I just can't take the time or energy right now. We usually get powdery dry snow that won't stick together. I guess here is a good time to let you all in on a "big secret."
For those of you who are familiar with Springfield, OR ...you know that large white statue of a horse and rider as you enter Springfield from the south???? Well.... I built that!!! Just ask Andy, and if Julie were still alive, she would definitely insist that I did! They were about 4 and 5 when we drove into Springfield from Cottage Grove one Sunday, and as we passed the statue, they both exclaimed, "There's that horse that Mama built!" The only explanation we could come up with was when they watched me build a cowboy snowman when they were one and two!! I did DO that...impressive guy...taller than I am!!! In their minds they must have connected the two. Julie insisted right up to her last summer that in her head she knew I didn't, but in her heart she believes I did!
Okay, enough trivia!!!
Stan just won't wake up!! Kathy hollared in his ear...(she's a better hollarer than I am!)....but no response! Guess I can't blame him.... he's getting his feet rubbed, music played (Galen, we're listening to your CD now!), fed continuously (no chocolate yet, tho), waited on hand and foot... What do you think!!!!
There is "talk" of his maybe getting the ventilator off soon. If that happens, he may even get out of CCU....even if he hasn't woke up.
He will be getting the feeding tube out of his nose and inserted into his tum this week.
I have a NEW advocate in Mandy Titus. She was very insistent that I make sure the doctor knew the Pic (a special type of IV) had not been changed today. He had ordered it last night. I was showing her the red spots and also how the pic looked. She agreed with me that it looked infected. We didn't have to tell the doctor...he figured it out and was not too happy.
I was allowed to stay in his room after seven tonight. The nurse shut the door and said she would pretend I wasn't there, so I could be available to see the doctor. When he came in, he wasn't too happy because his orders to change Stan's pic hadn't been carried out. The nurse walked in about then and he did tell her to get it out tonight. It looks pretty sore at the insert site, but when I asked about it today, she had said she didn't think it needed changing. Whoops!!!
I was kind of surprised..... he really does have great nurses. What they have to do for him several times a day is way way beyond too much!!! And they are always so loving!
Anyway, I asked the doctor what he thought about the red blotches, and he wasn't aware of them. The first thing he said was that they looked like they were caused by an injection, and asked where he got his insulin. Sure enough, the nurse pointed to every spot there was a blotch!!! I do think he may be "on to something." I can't remember just what his order was, but it was something about using a spot that wasn't blotchy and watch to see if it breaks out. Maybe even change the type of insulin...this one started with an L.....
I hope all that makes sense...I was there, so I have an idea of what went on!!
I am finding out that Women really ARE the stronger sex!! The "lift team" yesterday consisted of a guy and a gal. They are both very large individuals. The gal (and the tiny nurse) didn't bat an eye during "clean up" but the guy couldn't handle being there. I suggested a mask and he immediately got himself one. But when a lift person was needed elsewhere, he quickly said he'd volunteer.
He had to "lift" alone today and came in with a full face mask. When that didn't really work, I suggested he put a little dab of powder right under his nose. Since he had gloves on, I offered to do it...and it did help. His was not a pleasant task (but he was just doing the lifting...the nurse did all the "work"). He had a cute little dab of white powder under his nose, and laughed when he said people might wonder about him....! LOL
Well ... all that is probably more than you wanted to know, but that is what my day is like. I took my box of Christmas cards with me to start addressing envelopes, but only got ONE done. That was because Sondra came to visit, and we have this "contest" to see who sends to whom first. She said she had mine addressed at home, but not mailed yet. I decided she probably is the winner, since she actually came and collected hers........but then we agreed it must be a tie!
I wonder what Stan thinks of all this going on in his room.....!!
Andy, Grace, and kids are spending the night. Andy had to work, and why drive home in this mess if you are just coming back in tomorrow!! He doesn't get off work until after one a.m. (If I have the time wrong, Grace will accuse me of lying, but really it is just a senior moment for me!! I know it is late when he gets off.)
I was holding Stan's hand this afternoon and feeling a little bit discouraged and was praying that God would help me not lose faith or hope but to continue to trust Him. When I got home tonight I found the following email from Molly. She usually writes encouragement in the morning. For her to have this waiting for me tonight was "just what the doctor ordered." I told her she must have a direct line into my brain!!! What a blessing. I thought you all might enjoy her words and be comforted by them, too.
Love, M
Hi Madeline - I'm about 12 hours late and I'm sorry.
I really appreciate your telling us about the regulars in the hospital. This is so great, so have people praying for these people.
When you get home tonight, I hope you'll be able to get good, long, sweet, restorative sleep.
All right, a verse or two before bed, my girl:
Colossians 1:11-12. May you be strengthened with all power, according to His glorious might, for all endurance and patience with joy, giving thanks to the Father. When you pray the Word of God, you know you’re praying according to His will, and therefore you can be confident that He will give you what you’re asking. In this case, I’m asking for you to be strengthened with all power, according to His glorious might. The only source of strength for the Christian is God the Father. God’s glorious power is at work in your life so you may obtain endurance for what you’re required to do, and patience for those with whom you’re required to do it. When we come to God for this power and when God the Father strengthens us, our lives will reflect joy, not bitterness, and we will have a thankful heart, not a resentful or angry heart. We will know it is our heavenly Father who is taking care of us in every way, every moment, and we will tell Him, “Thank You. Thank You that God is my Father, and Jesus is my Savior.” And the Holy Spirit lives inside of you to make the Christian life possible . . . to make it possible for you to keep going to the hospital, to keep waiting, to keep being patient.
Tell the gang at the hospital to hang in there, people are praying for THEM.
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For those of you who are familiar with Springfield, OR ...you know that large white statue of a horse and rider as you enter Springfield from the south???? Well.... I built that!!! Just ask Andy, and if Julie were still alive, she would definitely insist that I did! They were about 4 and 5 when we drove into Springfield from Cottage Grove one Sunday, and as we passed the statue, they both exclaimed, "There's that horse that Mama built!" The only explanation we could come up with was when they watched me build a cowboy snowman when they were one and two!! I did DO that...impressive guy...taller than I am!!! In their minds they must have connected the two. Julie insisted right up to her last summer that in her head she knew I didn't, but in her heart she believes I did!
Okay, enough trivia!!!
Stan just won't wake up!! Kathy hollared in his ear...(she's a better hollarer than I am!)....but no response! Guess I can't blame him.... he's getting his feet rubbed, music played (Galen, we're listening to your CD now!), fed continuously (no chocolate yet, tho), waited on hand and foot... What do you think!!!!
There is "talk" of his maybe getting the ventilator off soon. If that happens, he may even get out of CCU....even if he hasn't woke up.
He will be getting the feeding tube out of his nose and inserted into his tum this week.
I have a NEW advocate in Mandy Titus. She was very insistent that I make sure the doctor knew the Pic (a special type of IV) had not been changed today. He had ordered it last night. I was showing her the red spots and also how the pic looked. She agreed with me that it looked infected. We didn't have to tell the doctor...he figured it out and was not too happy.
I was allowed to stay in his room after seven tonight. The nurse shut the door and said she would pretend I wasn't there, so I could be available to see the doctor. When he came in, he wasn't too happy because his orders to change Stan's pic hadn't been carried out. The nurse walked in about then and he did tell her to get it out tonight. It looks pretty sore at the insert site, but when I asked about it today, she had said she didn't think it needed changing. Whoops!!!
I was kind of surprised..... he really does have great nurses. What they have to do for him several times a day is way way beyond too much!!! And they are always so loving!
Anyway, I asked the doctor what he thought about the red blotches, and he wasn't aware of them. The first thing he said was that they looked like they were caused by an injection, and asked where he got his insulin. Sure enough, the nurse pointed to every spot there was a blotch!!! I do think he may be "on to something." I can't remember just what his order was, but it was something about using a spot that wasn't blotchy and watch to see if it breaks out. Maybe even change the type of insulin...this one started with an L.....
I hope all that makes sense...I was there, so I have an idea of what went on!!
I am finding out that Women really ARE the stronger sex!! The "lift team" yesterday consisted of a guy and a gal. They are both very large individuals. The gal (and the tiny nurse) didn't bat an eye during "clean up" but the guy couldn't handle being there. I suggested a mask and he immediately got himself one. But when a lift person was needed elsewhere, he quickly said he'd volunteer.
Well ... all that is probably more than you wanted to know, but that is what my day is like. I took my box of Christmas cards with me to start addressing envelopes, but only got ONE done. That was because Sondra came to visit, and we have this "contest" to see who sends to whom first. She said she had mine addressed at home, but not mailed yet. I decided she probably is the winner, since she actually came and collected hers........but then we agreed it must be a tie!
I wonder what Stan thinks of all this going on in his room.....!!
Andy, Grace, and kids are spending the night. Andy had to work, and why drive home in this mess if you are just coming back in tomorrow!! He doesn't get off work until after one a.m. (If I have the time wrong, Grace will accuse me of lying, but really it is just a senior moment for me!! I know it is late when he gets off.)
I was holding Stan's hand this afternoon and feeling a little bit discouraged and was praying that God would help me not lose faith or hope but to continue to trust Him. When I got home tonight I found the following email from Molly. She usually writes encouragement in the morning. For her to have this waiting for me tonight was "just what the doctor ordered." I told her she must have a direct line into my brain!!! What a blessing. I thought you all might enjoy her words and be comforted by them, too.
Love, M
Hi Madeline - I'm about 12 hours late and I'm sorry.
I really appreciate your telling us about the regulars in the hospital. This is so great, so have people praying for these people.
When you get home tonight, I hope you'll be able to get good, long, sweet, restorative sleep.
All right, a verse or two before bed, my girl:
Colossians 1:11-12. May you be strengthened with all power, according to His glorious might, for all endurance and patience with joy, giving thanks to the Father. When you pray the Word of God, you know you’re praying according to His will, and therefore you can be confident that He will give you what you’re asking. In this case, I’m asking for you to be strengthened with all power, according to His glorious might. The only source of strength for the Christian is God the Father. God’s glorious power is at work in your life so you may obtain endurance for what you’re required to do, and patience for those with whom you’re required to do it. When we come to God for this power and when God the Father strengthens us, our lives will reflect joy, not bitterness, and we will have a thankful heart, not a resentful or angry heart. We will know it is our heavenly Father who is taking care of us in every way, every moment, and we will tell Him, “Thank You. Thank You that God is my Father, and Jesus is my Savior.” And the Holy Spirit lives inside of you to make the Christian life possible . . . to make it possible for you to keep going to the hospital, to keep waiting, to keep being patient.
Tell the gang at the hospital to hang in there, people are praying for THEM.
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Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Day 27
Just three more days and it will be an entire month. I really felt weary today....and I actually had at least an hour's more sleep last night.
Andy, Pete, and Isaac installed the new toilet in the master bath today. Before Stan was in Providence Hospital for his A-fib (just previous to this problem) we went together to purchase the needed object. We have wall hung toilets, so you can't just go to your nearest Home Depot to replace the thing!! The clerk told us they'd be on sale that coming Saturday so we thanked him and made plans to return on Saturday to make our purchase. Stan ended up in the hospital for the A-fib/cardio version, so yours truly was left to go buy the toilet. We had the paper work on the model we wanted, so that part wasn't too hard. And to give me credit for a little knowledge, I knew that replacing a toilet meant needing new bowl wax.............well, at least I thought so. But this kind needs a gasket instead. However, the salesman knew what was needed when I asked about bowl wax....so I had all the right stuff. As you can see, Stan never got to install it....but I have grown very weary of toilet "donking" so am really blessed to have the boys fix this problem. (You have to remove the lid and "DONK" the air cylinder inside...which means hit it with the side of your fist as hard as you can....sometimes more than six or eight times before it behaves. Our "adopted" granddaughter Abigail called it donking when she was only about six.
Pete also got my car washed for me two days ago...............Soooooooooooooo today it rained, and it is as dirty as ever!! UGH ......... this weather is truly frustrating. It doesn't look like we'll have a white Christmas, either. We did get some nice snow falls in October and in fact, a couple the first week Stan was in the hospital, but it has been gone for a couple of weeks, and now we are getting rain, which freezes at night and gets nice and slick. It melts in the daytime and sprays as you drive. I like my winters white and cold enough to stay white until time for summer. For you "non" Alaskans....spring, when the snow is supposed to melt and go away, is called "break up" because that is what is happening....a very messy time of year. We don't need a dozen or more break ups in Nov to March!!
Well... enough about the weather....on to the "good stuff." I just wish it were better. Stan has several of his tubes and wires removed, he is off more stuff, and had a CAT scan today that was a "little" bit better than the last one. I was down on floor one looking at his CAT scan pix when the doctor (another new one) came in to the room and explained all about it. Kathy was there, and she quizzed him for me....and she does know questions to ask that I wouldn't even know should be....I am so blessed to have her in my corner!!
I was hoping to hear the number involved with today's scan. It didn't show on the screen yet. The scan on the 22nd showed a 12.2 cm bulge (that's not an official term for it) of the right side of the brain, crossing over the mid line. On the 29th it measured 9.89, and today it was 8 something...so it is improving. And the bleed looks like it is absorbing nicely. It hardly shows on today's scan. What I didn't "see" but was explained by the doctor is there is chronic changes in Stan's brain. These MAY be "old" ...caused by years of high blood pressure... We won't know what is going on until he wakes up.........which brings us to another point. It is possible he won't wake for another 3 days. With the length of time he was on the sedation, and the size of him.....he has been pretty inundated with meds. They need to be gone before he can have a regular meal. (Okay...for all you who are missing my "funnies"...I just wrote one. Of course, I didn't mean meal!!)
Oh dear...I meant they have to be gone before he will wake up, and they are in his fat cells, and must be processed thru his liver or something. I'll have to have Kathy explain that to me again. The meal thing was my brain on "remote control" while I slept!
Back to the meds...the doctor said we could plan on them being gone by 7 days...which will be this Friday we figured. (7 days after being taken off ALL sedatives.)
Re: the meal again........... He is fed through a tube in his nose!! I think it will be more than three days before he gets a "regular" meal! John and Paula Toms, and with Kathy's help, are making suggestions of how to slip him some chocolate. I am positive this is the longest he has gone without chocolate in his life....or at least our married life! They figure the whole problem is he's having withdrawal problems.
I got an email from Janet today with a suggestion from someone on her mailing list, asking about latex allergy...regarding the red spots. That sounds very plausible, but I am thinking hospitals don't use latex any more...they don't allow latex or mylar balloons in the hospitals here. I was told that the areas can't be tape, as NO tape was used. They are bigger and angrier looking today...and there is one developing on one hip. Some really look like very sore burns. So...please feel free to throw in any and all ideas.... we do want to solve this. I plan to ask about the latex tomorrow.
I guess my going home early last night caused a "hulabaloo".......John and Paula came about 8 and I had just left. The nurse was convinced I would be in to kiss him good night. She didn't know that I had done that before getting "kicked" out at 7. She was making the doctor wait to talk to me!! (another "doc missing" on my part!)
When she came on duty tonight, she gave me a big hug and told me she almost called me she was so worried about me....because "I'm always there."
I learned some interesting things today about some of Stan's tubes...or I should say one of them. He might be upset if I tell EVERYTHING, tho. But it was interesting....
He's still having the hiccups and lots of yawns, but these are all involuntary movements.
OH... he was "off" the ventilator today. It was set on S for spontaneous (spontaneous breathing by himself). The machine was there to help if he failed, but mostly he just did it on his own.
I did tell God it was okay with me if he didn't take the entire week to wake up!! I am anxious to have him open his eyes and see me.
Bed time +..............Thanks for your prayers.
Love, M (the little Yupik gentleman sang and played his harmonica for Kathy, Brian, and me during the 7 to 8:30 evening break. He does very well.)
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Andy, Pete, and Isaac installed the new toilet in the master bath today. Before Stan was in Providence Hospital for his A-fib (just previous to this problem) we went together to purchase the needed object. We have wall hung toilets, so you can't just go to your nearest Home Depot to replace the thing!! The clerk told us they'd be on sale that coming Saturday so we thanked him and made plans to return on Saturday to make our purchase. Stan ended up in the hospital for the A-fib/cardio version, so yours truly was left to go buy the toilet. We had the paper work on the model we wanted, so that part wasn't too hard. And to give me credit for a little knowledge, I knew that replacing a toilet meant needing new bowl wax.............well, at least I thought so. But this kind needs a gasket instead. However, the salesman knew what was needed when I asked about bowl wax....so I had all the right stuff. As you can see, Stan never got to install it....but I have grown very weary of toilet "donking" so am really blessed to have the boys fix this problem. (You have to remove the lid and "DONK" the air cylinder inside...which means hit it with the side of your fist as hard as you can....sometimes more than six or eight times before it behaves. Our "adopted" granddaughter Abigail called it donking when she was only about six.
Pete also got my car washed for me two days ago...............Soooooooooooooo today it rained, and it is as dirty as ever!! UGH ......... this weather is truly frustrating. It doesn't look like we'll have a white Christmas, either. We did get some nice snow falls in October and in fact, a couple the first week Stan was in the hospital, but it has been gone for a couple of weeks, and now we are getting rain, which freezes at night and gets nice and slick. It melts in the daytime and sprays as you drive. I like my winters white and cold enough to stay white until time for summer. For you "non" Alaskans....spring, when the snow is supposed to melt and go away, is called "break up" because that is what is happening....a very messy time of year. We don't need a dozen or more break ups in Nov to March!!
Well... enough about the weather....on to the "good stuff." I just wish it were better. Stan has several of his tubes and wires removed, he is off more stuff, and had a CAT scan today that was a "little" bit better than the last one. I was down on floor one looking at his CAT scan pix when the doctor (another new one) came in to the room and explained all about it. Kathy was there, and she quizzed him for me....and she does know questions to ask that I wouldn't even know should be....I am so blessed to have her in my corner!!
I was hoping to hear the number involved with today's scan. It didn't show on the screen yet. The scan on the 22nd showed a 12.2 cm bulge (that's not an official term for it) of the right side of the brain, crossing over the mid line. On the 29th it measured 9.89, and today it was 8 something...so it is improving. And the bleed looks like it is absorbing nicely. It hardly shows on today's scan. What I didn't "see" but was explained by the doctor is there is chronic changes in Stan's brain. These MAY be "old" ...caused by years of high blood pressure... We won't know what is going on until he wakes up.........which brings us to another point. It is possible he won't wake for another 3 days. With the length of time he was on the sedation, and the size of him.....he has been pretty inundated with meds. They need to be gone before he can have a regular meal. (Okay...for all you who are missing my "funnies"...I just wrote one. Of course, I didn't mean meal!!)
Oh dear...I meant they have to be gone before he will wake up, and they are in his fat cells, and must be processed thru his liver or something. I'll have to have Kathy explain that to me again. The meal thing was my brain on "remote control" while I slept!
Back to the meds...the doctor said we could plan on them being gone by 7 days...which will be this Friday we figured. (7 days after being taken off ALL sedatives.)
Re: the meal again........... He is fed through a tube in his nose!! I think it will be more than three days before he gets a "regular" meal! John and Paula Toms, and with Kathy's help, are making suggestions of how to slip him some chocolate. I am positive this is the longest he has gone without chocolate in his life....or at least our married life! They figure the whole problem is he's having withdrawal problems.
I got an email from Janet today with a suggestion from someone on her mailing list, asking about latex allergy...regarding the red spots. That sounds very plausible, but I am thinking hospitals don't use latex any more...they don't allow latex or mylar balloons in the hospitals here. I was told that the areas can't be tape, as NO tape was used. They are bigger and angrier looking today...and there is one developing on one hip. Some really look like very sore burns. So...please feel free to throw in any and all ideas.... we do want to solve this. I plan to ask about the latex tomorrow.
I guess my going home early last night caused a "hulabaloo".......John and Paula came about 8 and I had just left. The nurse was convinced I would be in to kiss him good night. She didn't know that I had done that before getting "kicked" out at 7. She was making the doctor wait to talk to me!! (another "doc missing" on my part!)
When she came on duty tonight, she gave me a big hug and told me she almost called me she was so worried about me....because "I'm always there."
I learned some interesting things today about some of Stan's tubes...or I should say one of them. He might be upset if I tell EVERYTHING, tho. But it was interesting....
He's still having the hiccups and lots of yawns, but these are all involuntary movements.
OH... he was "off" the ventilator today. It was set on S for spontaneous (spontaneous breathing by himself). The machine was there to help if he failed, but mostly he just did it on his own.
I did tell God it was okay with me if he didn't take the entire week to wake up!! I am anxious to have him open his eyes and see me.
Bed time +..............Thanks for your prayers.
Love, M (the little Yupik gentleman sang and played his harmonica for Kathy, Brian, and me during the 7 to 8:30 evening break. He does very well.)
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Sunday, December 9, 2007
Day 26
Boy oh Boy, how the days roll by......
The young man whose mother is dying called over to me as he got off the elevator, and asked me if I remembered him. I told him I knew I should, but had to get closer to really recognize him. His mom is Amy, that I mentioned a couple of days ago. She is still on the verge of having life support turned off.
I checked on Johnny....my little Yupik friend. He said he stayed in the room last night, and I assured him he could again tonight. His brother isn't in the hospital bed, but is in a reclining chair beside the bed. I'm not sure why.... no matter how early or late I see him. The two Yupik girls, Darlene and her cousin, were singing today in their language. They were in very good spirits, too, because Pauline has started waking up and responding to them. She can't talk, but nods her head to their questions. Also, she was taken out of "isolation" today. Those gowns and gloves are a pain.... we only had to do them for about four hours one day for Stan.
Nancy said Eddie is doing so good today that they are taking him off a lot of stuff!! PTL... His improvement started after you all were asked to pray for them.... I told her that for the last two days a lot of people were asking God on his behalf! What a testimony your prayers are!! Thank you...
The mother of the gal that was shot stopped to see me today and ask about Stan. Her daughter is one floor down now...and may get to go home on Thursday. That is a real miracle. The mom was going home tomorrow, but has decided to stay and get her daughter settled at home.
Shelby (age 5) had Brian drawing her more pix today, but I didn't get to see them. They had to leave while I was in Stan's room. Brian draws and she colors them. What a neat set up!! Pete had him draw a fancy truck on his back pack because someone else here had a pack exactly like his.....BUT, no more!!!
There was a soup "potluck" at church today for those who stayed to tear up old carpet. Pete and Kathy said they were exempt from the work, but got to eat some because they were bringing me some!! (Looks like I'm good for something...even if it is just getting them exempt from work!!) (The soups were delicious!!) Gwen, one of your rolls was the perfect companion to the soup. Thank you again!!
Stan's numbers stay stable and good...except for a slight raise in BP today. He has taken pills for his blood pressure for years, and for some reason they took him completely off the meds for it this morning. He was put back on this evening, tho. Otherwise, every machine looks super. He does keep having the hiccups. He gets a little rest from them now and then, but back they come.
Stan's bump on his head (I only had ONE person guess as to how he got it! Could be you are right, Molly!! heehee) disappeared, only leaving a dark red splotch for a couple of days. BUT speaking of red "spots" he has been sporting a few for 3 or 4 days now that are a mystery. "We" think we've solved it, today, but of course don't know for sure. A couple of people were even guessing "shingles," but I really don't hold to that theory. Kathy suggested maybe the doctor who is so mean to his head, whipped him with a belt....That IS what it looks like. What he has is two long narrow red welt looking spots on his left front about navel height from side to mid tum.... they are about two inches wide and maybe 8 inches long...with a completely clear strip between them. On each upper arm he has a welt like spot that is round and about the size of a silver dollar, and another spot below the circle that is about the same width, but twice as long.........with a bare spot between them. They resemble floor burns more than anything else I could suggest. They appeared the day after his last proning....and they seem to get redder and angrier looking each day. They are touching NOTHING for these last few days, often not even a gown or cover. Pete finally suggested today that maybe when they proned him, they used tape to secure his wires and tubes in those spots, and he developed an allergy to the tape. This seems to make sense when you see the clear area between two "rashes" in each place. It looks like a tube or wires were placed where it is clear and then taped on each side to hold them secure while he was turned. It is still a mystery why they keep getting worse, but no one has come up with a better explanation so far....not even doctors or nurses.
I guess I better take the camera tomorrow and photograph them. Wonder why I haven't thought of that before?????
This was day 3 of having all the stuff turned off so he could wake up. I am getting antsy!! No waking today!! But like Scarlet said, "Tomorrow is another day."
I better get to bed so I can be ready to meet it!!!
Love, m
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The young man whose mother is dying called over to me as he got off the elevator, and asked me if I remembered him. I told him I knew I should, but had to get closer to really recognize him. His mom is Amy, that I mentioned a couple of days ago. She is still on the verge of having life support turned off.
I checked on Johnny....my little Yupik friend. He said he stayed in the room last night, and I assured him he could again tonight. His brother isn't in the hospital bed, but is in a reclining chair beside the bed. I'm not sure why.... no matter how early or late I see him. The two Yupik girls, Darlene and her cousin, were singing today in their language. They were in very good spirits, too, because Pauline has started waking up and responding to them. She can't talk, but nods her head to their questions. Also, she was taken out of "isolation" today. Those gowns and gloves are a pain.... we only had to do them for about four hours one day for Stan.
Nancy said Eddie is doing so good today that they are taking him off a lot of stuff!! PTL... His improvement started after you all were asked to pray for them.... I told her that for the last two days a lot of people were asking God on his behalf! What a testimony your prayers are!! Thank you...
The mother of the gal that was shot stopped to see me today and ask about Stan. Her daughter is one floor down now...and may get to go home on Thursday. That is a real miracle. The mom was going home tomorrow, but has decided to stay and get her daughter settled at home.
Shelby (age 5) had Brian drawing her more pix today, but I didn't get to see them. They had to leave while I was in Stan's room. Brian draws and she colors them. What a neat set up!! Pete had him draw a fancy truck on his back pack because someone else here had a pack exactly like his.....BUT, no more!!!
There was a soup "potluck" at church today for those who stayed to tear up old carpet. Pete and Kathy said they were exempt from the work, but got to eat some because they were bringing me some!! (Looks like I'm good for something...even if it is just getting them exempt from work!!) (The soups were delicious!!) Gwen, one of your rolls was the perfect companion to the soup. Thank you again!!
Stan's numbers stay stable and good...except for a slight raise in BP today. He has taken pills for his blood pressure for years, and for some reason they took him completely off the meds for it this morning. He was put back on this evening, tho. Otherwise, every machine looks super. He does keep having the hiccups. He gets a little rest from them now and then, but back they come.
Stan's bump on his head (I only had ONE person guess as to how he got it! Could be you are right, Molly!! heehee) disappeared, only leaving a dark red splotch for a couple of days. BUT speaking of red "spots" he has been sporting a few for 3 or 4 days now that are a mystery. "We" think we've solved it, today, but of course don't know for sure. A couple of people were even guessing "shingles," but I really don't hold to that theory. Kathy suggested maybe the doctor who is so mean to his head, whipped him with a belt....That IS what it looks like. What he has is two long narrow red welt looking spots on his left front about navel height from side to mid tum.... they are about two inches wide and maybe 8 inches long...with a completely clear strip between them. On each upper arm he has a welt like spot that is round and about the size of a silver dollar, and another spot below the circle that is about the same width, but twice as long.........with a bare spot between them. They resemble floor burns more than anything else I could suggest. They appeared the day after his last proning....and they seem to get redder and angrier looking each day. They are touching NOTHING for these last few days, often not even a gown or cover. Pete finally suggested today that maybe when they proned him, they used tape to secure his wires and tubes in those spots, and he developed an allergy to the tape. This seems to make sense when you see the clear area between two "rashes" in each place. It looks like a tube or wires were placed where it is clear and then taped on each side to hold them secure while he was turned. It is still a mystery why they keep getting worse, but no one has come up with a better explanation so far....not even doctors or nurses.
I guess I better take the camera tomorrow and photograph them. Wonder why I haven't thought of that before?????
This was day 3 of having all the stuff turned off so he could wake up. I am getting antsy!! No waking today!! But like Scarlet said, "Tomorrow is another day."
I better get to bed so I can be ready to meet it!!!
Love, m
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Day 25
That's a lot of days!!!
Stan has been off all sedatives since yesterday morning, but no sign of waking up yet. I am so anxious to see him look at me again!! I remember a prayer in Psalms where David asked God to make haste to answer him. David is called a "man after God's own heart," so maybe it is okay if I ask God to hurry a little.
(Ps.70:1, 5; Ps.71:12; Ps.141:1)
The little Yupik gentleman seemed so confused about all that is going on in this big place. His brother is still in CCU. I asked him where he is sleeping, and I think he has spent one or two nights in his brother's room. He has a friend here, but the friend's wife is now in the Native hospital having surgery. I had Pete check on getting him a room here on the 7th floor. We got him one for a couple of nights and Stan's nurse wrote his room number down on her hand and assured me she would make sure he knew where to go. Pete and I took him up and showed him the room and gave him the key, but he seemed pretty unsure of what to do. I sure hope he gets a good night's sleep. The bed did not look very comfortable, but it has to be better than the chair in the CCU room. He is 75 years old and doesn't speak the best English. His brother is recovering okay I think, so maybe he'll get out of CCU soon. (or ICU...I don't know what the difference is. Stan is in Critical Care Unit, but the Intensive Care Unit is the same area?????)
Nancy is one "tough" sweet lady. She appreciates your prayers....and so do I. Thank you. Eddie was taken off the paralyzing drug today. I hope he has a good night.
I got a call from our "ring bearer" at our wedding tonight. He mentioned his GRANDCHILDREN!! It is pretty special to get encouragement from all of you....but how about from our flower girl and ring bearer!!! (48+ years ago!!!) Pretty cool, huh!!
Kathy came and enticed me away for lunch today. Andy, Pete, and Isaac joined us at yet another NEW restaurant....Ninos. To all you Anchorage people....I recommend it! I do hate to be gone, tho...what if Stan wakes up and I am NOT there!!
The gifts of food we keep getting are amazing. Carmelita brought me some yummy shortbread type cookies all the way from the Philippines!! I will have to hide them from Pete, and be sure to save one for Stan.
When we went in to tell Stan goodnight, there was Christmas music playing instead of his Bert Kaempfert CD. His nurse told me she and two others were singing to him with it while they bathed him. And she said one eye opened for a second. I haven't seen it yet, but I can still rejoice. Not sure it was "voluntary" tho.
I can't remember if I told you how really great his head "wound" is healing. The scar will hardly show at all, even in the bald area towards the top front of his head. He had such a train track of staples, but every day the incision shows less and less. (Is this good??? Don't guys like to show their battle wounds??)
The native gals we visit with in the waiting room are also Yupik, so I am hoping they get to meet the little gentleman. They were very interested in hearing him sing from his hymn book. Oh...he played his harmonica for us (after telling us a story)...and it sounded like he was a duet or a trio. It was lovely.
The one gal is here for her sister (and staying with her cousin who lives in Anchorage). Her sister is very very sick with an infection that has invaded her blood stream. Her fingers and toes are beginning to be destroyed.... we thought it was frost bite, but it is from the infection in her body. She is only 35. Her name is Pauline. Her sister's name is Darlene.
Way past my "hoped for" bedtime, so I'll say goodnight.........Love,M
Stan has been off all sedatives since yesterday morning, but no sign of waking up yet. I am so anxious to see him look at me again!! I remember a prayer in Psalms where David asked God to make haste to answer him. David is called a "man after God's own heart," so maybe it is okay if I ask God to hurry a little.
(Ps.70:1, 5; Ps.71:12; Ps.141:1)
The little Yupik gentleman seemed so confused about all that is going on in this big place. His brother is still in CCU. I asked him where he is sleeping, and I think he has spent one or two nights in his brother's room. He has a friend here, but the friend's wife is now in the Native hospital having surgery. I had Pete check on getting him a room here on the 7th floor. We got him one for a couple of nights and Stan's nurse wrote his room number down on her hand and assured me she would make sure he knew where to go. Pete and I took him up and showed him the room and gave him the key, but he seemed pretty unsure of what to do. I sure hope he gets a good night's sleep. The bed did not look very comfortable, but it has to be better than the chair in the CCU room. He is 75 years old and doesn't speak the best English. His brother is recovering okay I think, so maybe he'll get out of CCU soon. (or ICU...I don't know what the difference is. Stan is in Critical Care Unit, but the Intensive Care Unit is the same area?????)
Nancy is one "tough" sweet lady. She appreciates your prayers....and so do I. Thank you. Eddie was taken off the paralyzing drug today. I hope he has a good night.
I got a call from our "ring bearer" at our wedding tonight. He mentioned his GRANDCHILDREN!! It is pretty special to get encouragement from all of you....but how about from our flower girl and ring bearer!!! (48+ years ago!!!) Pretty cool, huh!!
Kathy came and enticed me away for lunch today. Andy, Pete, and Isaac joined us at yet another NEW restaurant....Ninos. To all you Anchorage people....I recommend it! I do hate to be gone, tho...what if Stan wakes up and I am NOT there!!
The gifts of food we keep getting are amazing. Carmelita brought me some yummy shortbread type cookies all the way from the Philippines!! I will have to hide them from Pete, and be sure to save one for Stan.
When we went in to tell Stan goodnight, there was Christmas music playing instead of his Bert Kaempfert CD. His nurse told me she and two others were singing to him with it while they bathed him. And she said one eye opened for a second. I haven't seen it yet, but I can still rejoice. Not sure it was "voluntary" tho.
I can't remember if I told you how really great his head "wound" is healing. The scar will hardly show at all, even in the bald area towards the top front of his head. He had such a train track of staples, but every day the incision shows less and less. (Is this good??? Don't guys like to show their battle wounds??)
The native gals we visit with in the waiting room are also Yupik, so I am hoping they get to meet the little gentleman. They were very interested in hearing him sing from his hymn book. Oh...he played his harmonica for us (after telling us a story)...and it sounded like he was a duet or a trio. It was lovely.
The one gal is here for her sister (and staying with her cousin who lives in Anchorage). Her sister is very very sick with an infection that has invaded her blood stream. Her fingers and toes are beginning to be destroyed.... we thought it was frost bite, but it is from the infection in her body. She is only 35. Her name is Pauline. Her sister's name is Darlene.
Way past my "hoped for" bedtime, so I'll say goodnight.........Love,M
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