For those of you who are familiar with Springfield, OR know that large white statue of a horse and rider as you enter Springfield from the south???? Well.... I built that!!! Just ask Andy, and if Julie were still alive, she would definitely insist that I did! They were about 4 and 5 when we drove into Springfield from Cottage Grove one Sunday, and as we passed the statue, they both exclaimed, "There's that horse that Mama built!" The only explanation we could come up with was when they watched me build a cowboy snowman when they were one and two!! I did DO that...impressive guy...taller than I am!!! In their minds they must have connected the two. Julie insisted right up to her last summer that in her head she knew I didn't, but in her heart she believes I did!
Okay, enough trivia!!!
Stan just won't wake up!! Kathy hollared in his ear...(she's a better hollarer than I am!)....but no response! Guess I can't blame him.... he's getting his feet rubbed, music played (Galen, we're listening to your CD now!), fed continuously (no chocolate yet, tho), waited on hand and foot... What do you think!!!!
There is "talk" of his maybe getting the ventilator off soon. If that happens, he may even get out of CCU....even if he hasn't woke up.
He will be getting the feeding tube out of his nose and inserted into his tum this week.
I have a NEW advocate in Mandy Titus. She was very insistent that I make sure the doctor knew the Pic (a special type of IV) had not been changed today. He had ordered it last night. I was showing her the red spots and also how the pic looked. She agreed with me that it looked infected. We didn't have to tell the doctor...he figured it out and was not too happy.
I was allowed to stay in his room after seven tonight. The nurse shut the door and said she would pretend I wasn't there, so I could be available to see the doctor. When he came in, he wasn't too happy because his orders to change Stan's pic hadn't been carried out. The nurse walked in about then and he did tell her to get it out tonight. It looks pretty sore at the insert site, but when I asked about it today, she had said she didn't think it needed changing. Whoops!!!
I was kind of surprised..... he really does have great nurses. What they have to do for him several times a day is way way beyond too much!!! And they are always so loving!
Anyway, I asked the doctor what he thought about the red blotches, and he wasn't aware of them. The first thing he said was that they looked like they were caused by an injection, and asked where he got his insulin. Sure enough, the nurse pointed to every spot there was a blotch!!! I do think he may be "on to something." I can't remember just what his order was, but it was something about using a spot that wasn't blotchy and watch to see if it breaks out. Maybe even change the type of insulin...this one started with an L.....
I hope all that makes sense...I was there, so I have an idea of what went on!!
I am finding out that Women really ARE the stronger sex!! The "lift team" yesterday consisted of a guy and a gal. They are both very large individuals. The gal (and the tiny nurse) didn't bat an eye during "clean up" but the guy couldn't handle being there. I suggested a mask and he immediately got himself one. But when a lift person was needed elsewhere, he quickly said he'd volunteer.
Well ... all that is probably more than you wanted to know, but that is what my day is like. I took my box of Christmas cards with me to start addressing envelopes, but only got ONE done. That was because Sondra came to visit, and we have this "contest" to see who sends to whom first. She said she had mine addressed at home, but not mailed yet. I decided she probably is the winner, since she actually came and collected hers........but then we agreed it must be a tie!
I wonder what Stan thinks of all this going on in his room.....!!
Andy, Grace, and kids are spending the night. Andy had to work, and why drive home in this mess if you are just coming back in tomorrow!! He doesn't get off work until after one a.m. (If I have the time wrong, Grace will accuse me of lying, but really it is just a senior moment for me!! I know it is late when he gets off.)
I was holding Stan's hand this afternoon and feeling a little bit discouraged and was praying that God would help me not lose faith or hope but to continue to trust Him. When I got home tonight I found the following email from Molly. She usually writes encouragement in the morning. For her to have this waiting for me tonight was "just what the doctor ordered." I told her she must have a direct line into my brain!!! What a blessing. I thought you all might enjoy her words and be comforted by them, too.
Love, M
Hi Madeline - I'm about 12 hours late and I'm sorry.
I really appreciate your telling us about the regulars in the hospital. This is so great, so have people praying for these people.
When you get home tonight, I hope you'll be able to get good, long, sweet, restorative sleep.
All right, a verse or two before bed, my girl:
Colossians 1:11-12. May you be strengthened with all power, according to His glorious might, for all endurance and patience with joy, giving thanks to the Father. When you pray the Word of God, you know you’re praying according to His will, and therefore you can be confident that He will give you what you’re asking. In this case, I’m asking for you to be strengthened with all power, according to His glorious might. The only source of strength for the Christian is God the Father. God’s glorious power is at work in your life so you may obtain endurance for what you’re required to do, and patience for those with whom you’re required to do it. When we come to God for this power and when God the Father strengthens us, our lives will reflect joy, not bitterness, and we will have a thankful heart, not a resentful or angry heart. We will know it is our heavenly Father who is taking care of us in every way, every moment, and we will tell Him, “Thank You. Thank You that God is my Father, and Jesus is my Savior.” And the Holy Spirit lives inside of you to make the Christian life possible . . . to make it possible for you to keep going to the hospital, to keep waiting, to keep being patient.
Tell the gang at the hospital to hang in there, people are praying for THEM.
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