Saturday, January 19, 2008

Day 66

Today was not the best day of the rest of my life. As we were leaving to go to the hospital, Cheri slipped on the snow on our steps and fell. She hurt her hip/back area and is hurting quite a bit. We dropped her and Isaac off at the ER because I had to get to Stan's hospital for the meeting. I had called and got an appt for today, and had Andy and Grace on their way and Brian scheduled to meet us there, too.

When I got to Stan he was eating lunch....John T was feeding him...what a guy!! Thanks, John. Unfortunately, the meat and potatoes were so dry that he couldn't manage them at all. He did eat his bananas, and then the speech therapist came in and got him some Glucerna to drink to make up the nutrients and calories he needs. When she asked him "what flavor" he liked, of course he said, CHOCOLATE. He had only had a couple of sips when the OT came in to put him back in bed. I am very sorry to report she is still not my favorite person, but I am praying about it. She did not have the bed and chair level, but proceeded anyway. John and I were standing on the far side of the bed, ready to assist as needed. I hadn't realized that Stan's cathetar tube and bag were caught between the bed and the chair. I usually guide them when I am there and he is being moved. John and I were told to pull on the handles while she and the speech gal pushed....there was a "POP" and Stan's cathetar broke. As it turned out, when the tube broke, the balloon deflated....and it was easily pulled out....after much discussion and fiddling around. Kathy said if it had pulled OUT instead of breaking there would have been screaming (Stan) and Blood (Stan's) so I am very glad it BROKE. I don't know if they will put in a new one or not. He prefers NOT.

The meeting was to have us hear what the OT, RT, and speech therpist had to say about Stan's progress. Also to let us know that they weren't "kicking" him out. I guess he will have to get out of ICU first. I don't think I knew he was still an ICU patient......

The Case Manager did tell us that he could stay as long as there was a medical need. He can't be there just because he can't feed himself or dress himself. I am still little confused about the OT's and RT's expecting his physical progress to mirror his respiratory progress. Guess he will just have to "show them."

Some of his IBEW buddies came today....Friday is "Aloha" shirt day....something Stan instigated years ago, and some of the guys still do it. So I took a shirt of Stan's to the hospital, and Brian put it on him. I was fetching Cheri and Isaac and didn't get to take a pix of him and a friend in their Hawaiian shirts.

I forgot to tell you that yesterday (Thursday) Stan sat up by himself for about 45 seconds. Andy says they tricked him..... they kept telling him to use his stomach and back muscles, etc...finally the PT got in front of him and told him to look her in the eye. He had to lift his head to do so, the OT gently turned loose of his back and he sat there for the 45 second interval. Not bad, huh!! He was braced with his right hand.

Andy and Ashley were there early Thursday because they had just come from the orthodonist....with Ashley's NEW braces.

Our temps have been much warmer the last few days...I saw a 30 today on one temp screen.

If I don't get to bed, YOU will be getting some fun things to read. I will talk to you later....thanks for your faithfulness in reading Stan's undates and praying for him. Pray that we (his kids and wife) will be able to help in his rehab and that he will gain the strength and ability to sit up, and one day WALK. Also, please remember Cheri in prayer.

Love, M

Friday, January 18, 2008

Day 65

We had a fun filled full house again today. Cheri arrived on schedule.....about 3 at the hospital. She brought beautiful pictures of Sara and a CD to "knock your socks off" of Sara with her dad, 3 or 4 by herself, and David playing his harmonica and guitar in a medley of hymns. Stan got all teary eyed while listening to her. He kept saying how beautiful it was.

Dan and Birdie Parry brought their new granddaughter (and her mom) to see Stan....and he got to "hold" Kelsey (four months old) for a while. That really made his day, too.

Yesterday Hollis was added to our growing list, and today we have Dan, Birdie, Shelley, Kelsey, and Virgil and Anne (Grace's parents) bringing our grand total so far to over 140!!!

The kids went to Orange Julius in the mall today and got Stan his Pina Colada he has been wanting. He said it was "good....AND cold!"

He ate very very well today (partly because the meals were much better than the last two days!) While all the guests went out to eat, Stan, an aide, and I went "swimming." He had his second shower. The sling they produced was not as good as the first one. The shower head knows NO boundaries and is NOT a respecter of persons! Heehee

It is quite the experience to watch (and help) the lift procedure...Also, they could let me help more.

We are going to try to set the meeting for tomorrow. It may not happen until next week, tho, if we can't round up everyone who is supposed to be there.

I've got to go to bed before I start writing silly stuff.

Oh, just to show you how clear headed Stan is, the minute our neighbor walked in Stan said, "Thanks for plowing our driveway, Jeff." (We've been getting a lot of snow lately.) Oh, I almost forgot!! Birdie snuck him some truffles, and I gave him 3 or 4 little shavings. About an hour later he wanted to know where those truffles were! I made him wait until tomorrow, tho. I don't want to upset his blood sugars!!

Love, madeline
(I do love hearing from you and knowing you are praying! I feel it! Thanks you all!)

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Day 64

rather interesting day in a weird sort of way.............. heehee, didn't really mean to rhyme!

Pete had a ten a.m. chiropracter appt....because of the rear end collision. We didn't get started soon enough to drop Isaac, Cannon, and me at the hospital, so we sat in the car and waited.....and waited....and waited.....and.... 2 1/2 hours! Tomorrow he goes again, but NOT us!!

We got to the hospital just as they were putting Stan in the chair for his "sit up" time. And in time to feed him lunch. He did a pretty good job with the lunch....small bits of turkey or chicken with a creamy sauce on them, very dry and not very done potatoes with some sour cream for a topping, asparagus, fruit, and chocolate pudding. He was able to eat the tips of the asparagus, but the rest was very stringy and hard to chew. He did eat what I would call 80%. It took us over an hour and a half to finish, and he was exhausted. Katie read him a funny deer story while he ate...... He was up for three hours in the chair and totally worn out. He went to sleep the second his head hit the pillow. At two thirty a notary from our bank came so I could get power of attorney. That was quite an ordeal. I tried to guide his hand to sign, but he tried too hard to "do it himself" and we came up with something that the notary said "would not do" so we inked his thumbs and printed where he would sign. Jeri T. (IBEW) was there to visit and was our witness.

He had a lot more IBEW visitors today. They hadn't realized he had been moved or that he was awake and talking. It was so neat to see their pleasure in being able to talk to him!!

Yesterday when Larry Bell of the first things he and Stan talked about was Stan's wanting to fire him the first day! It didn't take long for Stan to change his mind about that!! Today someone said Carl should tell Larry he is a better electrician because Stan didn't want to fire him the first day. (They are both pretty neat guys AND good electricians! Of course they are....Stan apprenticed them!!)

I put Kathy to work over dinner. Stan can't hold his head up too well when sitting upright to eat. I often hold it with one hand and feed him with my other, so I asked Kathy to hold his head up for me. That worked so well.....she may avoid meal time.

Pete picked Andy up from work today, and Grace and Luke arrived about the same time the boys did. Luke and Cannon hadn't seen each other for a couple of days....and they played their hearts out together. There is a "closet" that they love to get in and shut the door. If you ask "what fun is that?" you obviously were never two!!! heehee

Stan was so tired again after dinner that he zonked out so completely that we decided to come on home about 7:30 and fix some dinner. Brian was stopping by later to make sure he is settled comfortably. There are instances when arms are left tucked under in very twisted or squeezed ways that he can't move. I will be glad to get him home!!

I did have a visit from his Case Manager today. She wants me to set a time for a family meeting to discuss what next. I was caught by surprise. She said they had their staff meeting and the PT and OT said he was making NO progress. They are with him about five to ten minutes a day....but not even every day, and only for the past week!! Their report of NOT making progress is that he can't get out of bed by himself or dress himself!! When he arrived there 3 weeks ago today, he couldn't do more with his limbs than gently squeeze our hands with his right thumb and he had just opened his eyes three days before! He hadn't said a word until a couple of days AFTER he came. He now talks (all the time!), can wipe his mouth perfectly with a napkin, lift and do circles with his right leg, move his head around, grab the bar to help lift himself, take a drink from a cup with some guidance, eat solid foods, etc. He is doing something new or better every day. I am not sure just how fast they think he should be improving in motor skills. He had a very large bleed to the right side of his brain and was in a coma for six weeks! I find myself wondering if they have no experience with stroke patients and the time frame that it takes to rehabilitate when this much is lost. I will gladly tackle the "job" at home!! I am hoping to have the feeding tube out before taking him home, and perhaps the cathetar, too. He is requesting that be gone! I don't mean to sound upset, but it is rather startling to hear that they feel he has made NO progress!!

I am concerned about administering his drugs, but maybe weaning him off some of that would be good!! He is on five different BP meds....and they say he is now Stable!! I have a good BP machine, Kathy has an oxcimeter (sp? check his oxygen levels), and I know I can keep him as clean as they do. I do the feeding, and I do know how to handle "other" personal needs after four years of "training."

I guess I do need lots of extra prayer!! Thank you all so very much. I am so very thankful for every improvement he has made, and I have complete faith he will continue. I hear tale after tale from many of you of people who walked again after a similar stroke! The fact that he is so alert and talkative is a huge plus. Sometimes it takes years, but he is already "years" ahead of where I was told he would be!!!

I will just trust in God to decide how much he will be able to do in the future...

He has a "date" to go hunting on Amok Island as soon as he is able. That is a pretty big modivation!!

Cheri arrives tomorrow just past noon. Thank you Dani and Vance!!!

Love, M

p.s. Molly sent me a song to sing to him!! To the tune of "Do Your Ears Hang Low?"

Did your trach come out? Did your family sing and shout?
Did you know it even happened, what the fuss was all about?
Are you breathing nice and steady? Would you like to eat some trout?

Did your trach . . . come . . . out?

Carl was kind enough to sing it for us today!!! Thank you, Carl!!! (There was a lot of pressure applied!!)

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Day 63

The trach is OUT!! The trach IS out! The TRACH is out!! THE trach is out!!! Wow!!

At 1:35 this after noon! For some reason the RT made note of the time twice out loud, and then another RT asked for the time again, and she repeated it one more time. So it must have some significance. Anyway, now you all KNOW the time....

He has a large gauze and tape bandage over his "hole." The "hole" looked about the size of my little finger around. They said it should close up in 3 to 5 days. Then a nurse said it should close up in 2 to 5 weeks............or maybe never.....or she knew one that closed up in 3 hours. So you may all "place your bets" as to the time it takes to close!! Winner gets .... one of those new shiny nickels?... a reprieve from my writings?..... a double dose of my writings??.... oh, I know!!! I have one of the things we used to suction him with that was NOT to be put in his trach. I brought it home to boil it clean!! That is what the winner gets.... heehee....

He was pretty sleepy again today. I think he slept through his physical therapy...which consisted of "sitting" up on the side of the bed for ten minutes (with three of us holding him.) I know he slept thru getting his trach out. (Except he gave a great big cough and spewed it out for the RT.) He had to be woke up for lunch and dinner. They sure bring funny stuff for a guy who hasn't eaten in two months. He does not like green peppers at all....he picks them out and gives them to me! At least three of his dishes have been full of green peppers. Today we lifted the lid off his entree to find a sandwich consisting of two pieces of white bread, some turkey, and some melted cheese that I couldn't fork off the bread. He did eat a little of the turkey. He also ate a few tiny bites of his broccoli (this I would have eaten, it was cooked just like I like it!!) And he ate his strawberries that were thinly sliced. It took him two "glasses" of thickened apple juice (four ounces each) to get all this food down.

For some reason, the aides didn't come turn him at all until I asked "why not." I don't like to put him thru that, but they have emphasized over and over how important it is that he be turned every two hours!!

I probably could use some extra prayer, too. Or maybe it is good that I am learning to be more firm with some of the "help." The OT tells me to help her with his treatment, gives me a lecture about how, when, and why....and then if I do offer a suggestion she basically tells me to keep quiet. Today when we had him sitting up, she was telling him to hold his head up. He has no muscle tone and is all slumped over and his head hangs down to his chest. She kept telling him to "hold his head up." So the PT and I both did also. It wasn't working, so I told him to reach for the ceiling with his head. Mom used to have a hard time understanding when I would tell her to stand up straight. I would tell her to tuck her bottom, stick out her chest....but it wasn't until I would tell her to reach for the ceiling with her head that she would understand what I wanted her to do. I believe Stan will process this advice better than the other....and said so. As the OT went to leave the room, she turned and said, "We will use the phrase "hold your head up." I told her, no, I really think "reach for the ceiling with you head" or "put your head on the ceiling" will work better. It not only lets him know what we want, but it also pulls up on his back and tum muscles without our having to tell him. I don't want to confuse him, but I think "hold your head up" doesn't "compute" for him right now. He doesn't seem to understand what he is supposed to do. She took her hands and held his head up. I do that, too, when he is lying in bed and needs to eat. In fact, I have to keep one hand on his forehead holding him up while I feed him. Oh well....I'll do my own therapy, and he will learn.

At the other hospital they would put a "draw" sheet under him... a full sheet folded in half and placed under him....with enough hang over on both sides for the nurses and aides to get hold of to shift him or move him upward. Here they have a smallish pad under him that no one can ever reach. The day he had his shower and his bed was remade, I suggested to the nurse who made his bed up that we place one of those draw sheets under him. Today I heard the OT and pt
say what a good idea it was. (I didn't tell them it was MY idea.)

Well, I am not going to read this over...I have been falling asleep thru out the whole thing...YOU can let me know if there is some weird sentence lurking about.

Love, M

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

day 62

Stan was put on "chopped" food today, but it didn't go over very good. I'm not sure if it was the work of chewing or because he wasn't feeling very well. His blood pressure was "out of sight" and they kept medicating him to bring it down so he was also very sleepy. He says his neck hurts a lot. I don't know if that makes his BP go up or just what does it. At one time it was 200+ over 129..... It was better when we left tonight, but he sure didn't eat much. They take him off the tube feeding during the day now, but put him back on it over night. He had chopped pork roast, mashed potatoes without much gravy, and "Believe it or not" mushy spinach for lunch. I think I have fixed cooked or canned spinach ONCE in our married life. I don't mind it, but it is one vegetable he does not like. So of course, he ate none of it. The pork was very dry and he couldn't chew it. It was cut really small, so I was surprised. He ate about half of his potatoes. For dinner he had meat loaf and chunks of potatoes, a very soupy but lumpy dish of carrots, some fruit cocktail, red jello, and juice. I tasted the potatoes. They were cooked exactly like I like them, but he likes them smashed up with a fork and then with gravy. But when I took a bite it was so peppery hot I was shocked. I took another small bite and it didn't seem so spicy. I am not sure if it was something in the meat loaf or what. He did eat about five bites of spuds and meat loaf, and maybe 3 of carrots, and ONE bite of pear out of the fruit cocktail, and after that we just did the jello and the juice. I don't know if the spicy bothered him, he was just too tired to chew the other and his tongue didn't seem to work as good (which may have just been because he was medicated more and made tired.) At any rate, he didn't get very many calories today, so I hope the tube feeding tonight is sufficient.

He didn't get the trach out because of his unstable BP. They don't want to take it out and have something go wrong.

Both the phyical therapist and the ocupational therapist worked on him a little at the same time. He was just too tired to cooperate, so they decided to quit "early."

Pete, Isaac, Cannon, and I left about 3:30 to go to Costco to eat and get some groceries. Seated at a table a little ways from us was a young man with a "Peter Parker" hair cut and glasses. Cannon (age 2) said, "Daddy, look! Spider man!!"

Stan does enjoy having the little guys around. He wants to hold them, so we need to remember to put them in his bed when his right side is "available." He has a pic in his left arm still with three tubes hanging out of it, so that would NOT be a good side for them, plus his stomach tube is on the left side. But it should be all right for them to sit by him on the right. When he was in the hospital for his cardioversion ...back before the stroke... Luke would sit on his bed and help him eat his salad. I don't know which of them enjoyed it more.

I forgot to tell you that yesterday Pete gave Chuck one of his specialty hair cuts .... Yul Brenner/Howie Mandell style. Paula took John home in a hurry tonight before Pete could get at him with the clippers.

Kathy got back today. She and John had gone to Soldotna for 3 days for a hockey tournament. His team WON!!

I do enjoy all the encouraging notes and scripture reminders. I don't think today is a "set back." We were warned there would be some down days.

Sorry I don't have any "improvements" to share today. But again, like Scarlett says, "Tomorrow is another day."

Love, M

Monday, January 14, 2008

Day 61

Stan has enjoyed having his brothers here. He will miss them. They leave at 6 in the morning (Monday.) I am glad they got to witness just how miraculous his recovery is. It was just 3 weeks ago tonight that he really "woke up." He continues to improve every day.

Last night was his first "reported" real night's sleep he has had in a long time. I had requested that he have four hours without turning etc so he could get some of the deep sleep for healing. They arranged for all meds to be given at midnight along with a turning, and then they let him sleep until six.

Chuck stayed with him while the rest of us went to Church today. He was responsible for feeding Stan lunch, and he passed his "test" just fine. (We took the new Elmore street to church....our first time on the new road. Pete thinks his dad will ove it!!)

After church, Phil had an audition for one of his music classes, Pete, Cannon, Isaac, Chase (Isaac's friend), and I went to get Angie some medicine, return an expensive bow tie to Nordstrom (long story), and get some dinner....and then ON to the hospital. Okay, okay....Phil received some gift certs for Nordstrom's from his students parents, and the only thing he "needed" or could find to buy was a $45 bow tie. He found one good enough for his needs at Burlington Coat Factory for $3.00!! Angie is sick....hopefully NOT with pneumonia. Brian had to work.

When we got to the hospital, we met Mandy and Shelby just leaving. Stan was watching the end of the football game....Cowboys and Giants. NY won. So now Katrina's Packers get to play NY. We are still planning on Green Bay winning the Super Bowl. Somebody did say that Doug and Becki are nice folks...too bad they have this hang up for the Patriots.

I fed Stan his dinner and just after he finished, Mandy and Shelby came back. Mandy said she had something to show Stan. She seemed pretty excited (or was it "nervous")?? Pete put his sun glasses on Stan because the lights over head seemed to hurt his eyes. Mandy pulled the curtain closed, and showed him her Christmas present. A beautiful pistol... I guess when she was there earlier she had told him about it and promised to bring it back for him to see. So there he was with a pistol in his good hand and fancy sun glasses on his face, looking all the world like some kind of gangster!!! Paula and Brian both took pictures with their digital cameras. I had taken my camera home the day before!!! Bummer!!

So........with a dozen or so "witnesses" Mandy showed Stan her "countraband." There is a sign on the front of the building that is a "no guns allowed" symbol. In her defense, I had passed by it dozens of times without noticing it, and then when I DID notice first thought was that it was a no smoking sign. I had to take a second look to register that it was a No Gun sign. About that time.....we were all laughing and joking....a nurse or aide walked in and asked what was going on. Chuck quickly stuck the gun in his back pocket and sat down. The "intruder" noticed the sun glasses on Stan and assumed that was the excitement cause. Heehee....there is never a dull moment around us, I do believe!!!

Earlier, Stan had looked sleepy and Katie said if he went to sleep, she guessed she and Dave would have to leave.........SOOOOO, Stan pretened to snore!! He really hasn't lost his sense of humor!!!

Deryl and Kelly came in time to "rescue" Mandy and Shelby from our silly influence.

I did talk to a couple of night nurses before leaving about "please making sure Stan was comfortable before leaving alone for the night."

Love, M

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Day 60

Day! The road is long, but the traveling keeps getting brighter. Our God is an awesome God!!

Isaac spent the night last night with Papa because he was concerned about some of Stan's care. I usually make sure that Stan's arms and neck etc are not pinched or cramped after he is repositioned. When Pete and Isaac checked him quite late (they were waiting for Andy to get off work) they found Stan wide eyed in pain. He was rolled over on his arm and was smushed up again the bed rail. Stan cannot move himself, and wasn't able to get anyone's attention. So Isaac decided to stay with him and make sure he was comfortable all night. Stan told me he was glad, and that he woke Isaac up at least 3 times for help.

Tonight Chuck and Danny were staying late with him. I just called to ask them to make sure he was left in a comfortable position, but they were already gone. A nurse or aide answered the phone tho, and I told her of our concerns. She said she would make sure he was comfortable before leaving him to sleep. They are going to give him some oxycodone and benedryl at midnight (five minutes ago) and let him sleep for six hours. I sure hope he is adjusted okay in the bed.

He had quite a day today. I fed him his lunch and then they prepared him for a shower....his first in two months!! (His nurse today knows "Col. Bridges" and works with him. Col. Bridges is the son of a very special friend of mine!! So that is really interesting. He said Mike is scheduled to return from Iraq soon, and he will be leaving for another jaunt over there.)

Chuck and Danny were pretty interested in the hoist they used to get Stan into the shower chair. They were "drawing straws" to see which of them got to run the controls. Chuck said Danny had the right kind of "card." But it seemed to me that it was Chuck who got to run the thing. It is quite a contraption. The chair has a toilet like seat in it and mesh for much of the "would be upholstered" area. They use a mesh type "hammock" that they place under him in the bed. then they bring the hoist over him and secure his hammock to four "hooks." Picture metal "tongs" with a place to hang a strap on the four "corners" of the tongs....they are about 18 inches on each side and open to about two feet. They are attached to a swinging "boom" that is on a frame with wheels. This swings over the bed, and after he is secured to it, it lifts him up and swings him over the chair. The "hammock" has an opening for his bottom that corresponds to the opening in the chair seat. They rolled him into a huge "bathroom" with a toilet, sink, and shower. They used a hand held shower head, and we were able to scrub him up and rinse him off relatively easily. Two females aides and I did the washing, rinsing, and drying. Then he was wheeled back to his room and repositioned on the bed. Before getting out of the hammock, he had a job to do so they "hung" him over the garbage can. This has been a source of frustration for him, but he was able to have a modium of success. The nurse commented something about his being subjected to a room full of people to witness this. Then tonight I got an email about what "love is." One of the things listed was:
'Love is when Mommy sees Daddy on the toilet and she doesn't think it's gross.'
Mark - age 6

I don't know how often he'll get a shower. It is quite a lengthy production, but I am sure it made him feel so much better.

Meals are also time consuming, but must NOT be rushed. He needs to eat enough to get weaned off the stomach tube, but it took me about an hour to feed him lunch. Hurrying him could be dangerous. We don't want anymore pneumonia, and the danger is that he could aspirate into his lungs. He continues to ask for a Coke. He tells everyone, he says he "needs" a coke, he wants a coke, etc. I tell him that his taste buds have changed and he won't like coke anymore.....heehee But he WILL get a coke soon, he is advancing so fast.

During yesterday's and today's meal times it was his "job" to use the napkin. Yesterday if he dropped it, he needed help to find it. Today he would reach right down and pick it back up.

Andy stayed with him this afternoon / evening and fed him his dinner. His lunch was perfect...roast beef and mashed potatoes, squash, and vanilla pudding. He ate 100%!! Tonight it was macaroni and cheese. Noodles do NOT it wasn't a very successful meal. He did get Sobe for his drink (thickened) and that was a success.

Chuck gave him a "makeover" and trimmed those unruly eyebrows and his nose and ear hairs, and shaved him.

Well, I can go to bed and sleep now. Phil was still out and about, so Pete called and asked him to go by and make sure that Stan was comfortable. He did....and he that is good.

He did watch some of the Packers' football game today. When he left for his shower Seattle was ahead 14 to 7. When we got back to his room, Packers were ahead 35 to 17. The final score (much to our granddaughter Katrina's pleasure) was Packers 42 Seattle 20! Sorry you Seattle fans...but Katrina is such a huge Packer fan that she sweeps us along with her! Stay tuned...the super bowl game will be between the Packers and the undefeated Patriots....and the Packers will win!!!

I do wonder what tomorrow will bring.

Temps are to be minus 8 tonight...that is TOO cold!!

Love, M