Andy, Pete, and I got to the hospital before visiting hours started. But when the time was right, they still wouldn't let us in because they were working on him. Finally his nurse came to the waiting room to get us. She stood there and told us how good he was doing, how great his numbers were...and told us we could now come see him. When she and two of us entered his room we saw immediately that his oxygen was no longer at the nice perfect level of 96, but had dropped to 65!! Pete and I were immediately asked to leave, while they worked on him. They use a manual apparatus to give oxygen and then suction his lungs. They got things in better order and again let us go see him. He seemed pretty stable (he IS still kept in the coma like state hoping that will rest his lungs and they will heal) so my friend Kathy encouraged me to go OUT to lunch with her. It was a nice outing, and Stan seemed to tolerate my absence okay (
I did finally remember to bring in a CD player and have some favorite music playing. I am hoping it will sooth him and let him know I love him even when I am not in his room.
Another patient's visitor told us about a room on the 7th floor for, puzzles, couches, etc. We checked it out...nice! We do LOOK OUT for each other!!
I am about to head out again. I fell asleep so hard at the computer last night that when I woke up, there were no strange words!! I decided to get up early and write today.
Thank you for your prayers!! I had another sweet "Mollyism" last night, too. She talked about our being renewed in the spirit, and that is what she is praying.
My "hurry" today is because we are "down" to one car as we share with family, so I have to get Phil to work ON TIME before going to the hospital. So gotta run!
Eric's family has been sick this week, so I would appreciate prayers for them.......fever and he can't come be with his dad!! Thanks again!!
Love, M
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