Hooray,hooray...I found the package today!!!
Thank you, Reggie, for some really neat stuff. But you know
"you shouldn't have." I plan to take a picture of Stan wearing
the hat, scarf, and with the shirt draped over him!!
I am going to send this update to you first...and then to the
"rest of the world." I just got home and it is pretty late already.
I spent the morning "fielding" helpful suggestions....by phone and
email...and I really appreciated them all!! I also called the
postmaster's office again, and the lady who answered even called
me by name....!! She was going to check to see who delivered it
and call me back...but I haven't heard from her. I'll need to call
again tomorrow to let her know the lost is found.
On the way to the hospital, I stopped at the mailbox area to talk
to the postman who was delivering right then. I told him that the
package was signed for as delivered, but we couldn't find it. I
also told him that my son had found a "package'sa.....OH dear,
there I go again!!! I was asleep ....
He had found a KEY to a package box, but it wouldn't fit any of them.
Soooooo, he put the key in the outgoing slot for the mailman to get it.
After trying everything else, the mailman today said he had one more
place to look. Then he took off toward the end of the long row of metal
mail boxes. earte (there I go again!! Yawn)
Clear at the end of the row...ours is next to the last at the other end....
he stepped behind the row and there in 'not so plain sight' was another
set of package boxes. AND with his trusty little master key... Voila!!
The package. It was supposed to be delivered to the house (express mail)
but was stuck in a box we didn't even know existed! All's well that ends
well!! And thank you all for your suggestions, and even prayers. I needed
them. It was really bugging me, and I knew that Reggie was anxious for
Stan to have it. He will be the best dressed Super Bowl watcher in Alaska!!
Also today, Katrina got her package, too!! (And brought it in to show Papa!!
and G'ma.) Another friend (thank you, Bill!!) saw in an update that our
granddaughter was a huge Packers fan and sent her ONE COOL box of
Brett Favre things!! Now if only it were the Packers playing the Patriots
in the Super Bowl...would we ever have fun!!
And one more THANK YOU...my friend from Tulsa Cancer Center sent
some natural remedy for Stan's clots....and it arrived, too!! Thank you,
Audrey!! Wow...we are so blessed to have such a massive and wonderful
support group. All your visits, emails, prayers, cards, etc.... I can't begin
to tell you how much encouragement they give to Stan and to me. Won't
heaven be wonderful when we can see you all and give you the hugs we
have for you....I hope we can give hugs there!!!
I do have three prayer requests for you, please. One is the OT. Her name
is Janie, and maybe this prayer request is for me. I need a better attitude
when I am around her. She even pushed my friend Sondra's hand away from
trying to help Stan yesterday. Two: Bob Bowers five year old grandson has a
rare cancer....Bob and Connie need our prayers, along with Darian and his
parents! and Three: my friend Bart lost his brother and has asked for prayers
for his sister in law.
I know we could all list many more, but these three are on my heart right
now, so I thought I'd let you share the need. Thank you.
I need to get to bed pretty soon...before I make any more weird mistakes
in my sleep. I have to get to the (I have to tell you....I almost typed airport!!
I SAY airport more than half the time!!) hospital early tomorrow to help give
Stan a shower. He has his OWN shower now, right in his room!!! I do not like
the sling thing, tho. I am pretty sure it hurt him last time.
He was pretty sleepy today, and also still has kind of slurred speech. We did
learn today that they gave him some pretty strong pain meds and I can't help
but wonder???? I had requested that they stick to tylenol during the day, and
give him the stronger stuff at night if needed...as it makes him sleepy. I didn't
get a good answer as to why he had vicodan this morning.
He did eat 100% of his lunch and his dinner. It is pureed...Pete said that is
due to his request so he doesn't have to chew because it tires him out so much.
But I'm not sure, because that wouldn't cause him to be put back on thick liquids. I'll try to see Maria tomorrow and ask.
We are a LOOONNGG way from the ice machine in the new room! (Also, the
coffee pot! Good thing I don't drink much coffee and Stan drinks NONE.) There
is a really nice "family" room at the end of each floor. There is a "visitors" rest
room a little closer here than the one downstairs.
We will be getting our exercise now. It is quite a hike to his room and a "tall"
stairway for those who need the work out. I like the stairs, even tho my knees
hurt. I consistently beat the elevator by minutes. I am pretty sure it is the
slowest elevator in existance. And this is a brand new facility!!
I had to leave Stan for awhile today. Cheri stayed with him, while I dropped
Pete at the chiropractors and took Isaac to Costco for an eye exam and contacts.
He, Cannon, and I had lunch there afterward (love those Polish dogs!) ....and
then had to clean the car off before driving back to the hospital...because that
white stuff was falling again. One thing Stan is getting to miss....driving in the
Friends at church have offered a hospital bed, and I do need to start getting
serious about preparations to bring Stan home. I'm not sure just what I'll need,
but have been trying to "dream up" an invention that I can use to lift him by
myself. Any ideas???
John and Paula got a LONG DISTANCE phone call while visiting tonight....from
Scott in Afghanistan!! Now that is LONG DISTANCE!! (For those who don't
know...Paula is Stan's brother Danny's wife's sister! heehee...lots of 's there,
but how would YOU say it?? We've known Paula since she was a little squirt...
and now attend church with her in Alaska...small world, huh!)
While Stan slept, Grace had the two little ones in the family room, Pete, Andy,
Cheri, and 3 big grandkids shopped, John, Paula, Kathy, and I sat in a circle and
pondered the mysteries of certain Bible questions. Kathy is keeping our minds
nimble with her desire to learn.
The aides came in and did all sorts of poking and prodding...and Stan slept
on...that is why I am wondering about meds!!
Cheri massaged his feet and Isaac massaged his neck at the same time...and
then he really went to sleep!!
Grace and Andy brought in a crock pot of home made potato soup and some
fresh bread from Fred's....what a treat. They set it up in the cafeteria area
downstairs, and while Stan slept, we ate. Then I went back up and did get him
awake enough to eat his dinner. (Luke and Cannon are so cute....loving Papa
and giving him five!)
I hope this wasn't too much about the rest of us.... instead of JUST Stan....
Love, M
Friday, January 25, 2008
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