Saturday, January 5, 2008

Day 52

Hmmmm....I just came over to the computer to write an update so I could take my achy self to bed....and found Kathy wrote one for me!! And I certainly can't improve on here it is!!!!
Love, M
p.s. He joined Deryl, John T., and Rick E. and me in telling "Bible" jokes today, too. Like "How many did "milk a bear" ? (Milcah bore 8 sons!!) or Who had NO parents? (Joshua, he was the son of Nun.) How do we know there were cars in Bible times? The Bible says the apostles were all in "one Accord." Where is there a reference to playing tennis in the Bible? (Moses served in Pharoah's court.) and on and on....and Stan was sharper than the rest of us!!

Soooooooo, with is Kathy's update!!!

Date: Fri, 4 Jan 2008 22:46:13 -0800
Subject: My "Stan" update...

Hi Madeleine....
Oh boy...I get to give you an update...

Stan and I had a great conversation tonight. He told me jokes, chatted with me, and we had a good old time.

We were talking about his stroke and the miracle God has done in his life...then Stan said, "3 strokes and you're out" He really had Brian and me laughing with that one.

Then ... we were talking about how you and I biked together a few years ago and Brian and I were trying to remember how many speeds your bike had....We were guessing 3...then Stan says in a loud voice "1"...

Then I asked him if he remembered the place we all took that hike a few years back...I honestly couldn't remember the name of the place...Stan just looked at me like I was the one that had the stroke and said, "Thunder-bird Falls".

Then we chatted about God, the Church and the power of prayer. It was a really GREAT conversation. I had chills.... During the conversation he showed memory, humor, thought, etc. He is mentally 100% back !!!!! Talk about the power of prayer.

I told Stan that I've been in the medical field for 35 years...and he is only the second person to prove me wrong...and I am so glad he did !!!! I never thought he would mentally come back like he has....

I sure hope you are feeling better soon. If you have what has been going need to stay in bed for the next 2 days...or you will never get well, worse, you could give it to Stan. Please take care of yourself....So many people need you and depend on you (like it or not)

When I left Stan's room Brian was exercising his legs and arms....
Pete and Issac were heading out for pizza and then coming back for the night.

Sweet dreams...

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