Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Day 49

In just a few hours it will have been an entire 49 days (seven weeks) from the day and time Stan's stroke occurred. SEVEN weeks!!!But it is that 7th week that has brought so much good news. (7 is a very Biblical number!! Wonder if God planned his eye opening that way!)

Well, today started off kind of cute and nervously..............when I went to start the car and get the paper out of the box....I had to tell Ms. Moose I was just going to get my paper and then I would be out of her way. She looked at me, but decided my bushes were much more interesting and tasty.

It was a bit of a shock............why, I don't know, as we have lots of moose come to visit.............but it was a bit of a shock to have to almost drive over her back feet to get out of my driveway. I was just glad she didn't mind sharing my driveway with me. A little closer than I wanted, when I got the paper.

My jaunts to and from the hospital each WINTER day are all "packed full of excitement and adventure!" I saw a grouse in the road one day, I often have had NEW snow to "plow" through, or icy roads that make cars go "sssssssslide" and your heart go "thump thump." I've had sons, grandsons, and granddaughters and maybe even a daughter in law, go ahead of me at night and clean my car off. I've had my own share of times that I was the cleaner off-er. I've had minus temps, single digit temps, teens, 20s, and even 30 to 40 temps during the past 49 days. Even tho there have been two or more incidences of BEARS out and about this late...I haven't got to see one yet! I turned my lights off driving home last night (Monday) (only on MY road!) to check out the visibility. It is so neat. I could actually see BETTER than with my lights on! No kidding.. but I had to turn them on in case someone would come and not be able to see me. I used to do this coming home from work in the wee hours in winter. Where is that "young lady" who used to be so scared to drive in ice or snow that she moaned and felt like she was having a heart attack??? I am glad she is no longer with me. AAAAAHHH...I am an Alaskan!!

Pete was with Stan when I got there. Stan had his speaking device in place, but I couldn't get him to say much, and when he did, he didn't open his mouth enough to let the words form. He went to sleep for a while, and I settled down with the paper. Pete had gone outside to talk on his cell phone where there is better reception. My (Stan's) cell phone rang. It was Danny (his "baby" brother). We chatted a bit, the nurse came in and woke Stan, so I asked Danny if he would like to talk to Stan. I held the phone up to Stan's ear, asked him if he could tell who was talking to him, and he answered yes. Then he spoke, "I love you guys." Wow...Danny heard it as plain as day. He said, "I've got to call Chuck." When he called back later on the room phone, he said he and Chuck have tickets to come January 11. They said they would be on a plane when they knew Stan would recognize them. He certainly WILL!

Pete and I went to get something to eat, and when we got back Stan's device was out and he seemed depressed. He wouldn't talk to me or really look at me, so I asked if he was mad at me. He shook his head "no." I couldn't get him to open his mouth. The RT came and asked if he wanted his speaking thing back in, and he was decisive with his "no." After she'd asked 2 or 3 times and he had refused 2 or 3 times, she told him she needed to put it in for a while.

Kathy came. Don and Nita Meierhoff came. Kathy decided to "quiz" Stan...but he was "ready" for her!! She asked him what state he was in. He didn't disappoint me... I KNEW what his answer would be in "normal" times. He piped right up with, "Confusion."

He did have a problem with the year, even tho it had only been a little while since I had told him. He went back wards to 2006.... But counting was his only mental weakness we have seen so far. If he were asked to squeeze once for yes, he might squeeze half a dozen times. We won't hold this agains him, huh!!

He watched some football on TV....a first in over 49 days. I also gave him a little "lick" of his Christmas gift chocolate bar....and he loved it...and he smiled and looked pleased. The nurse and I had discussed this a bit the day before, and she said she'd "never tell." It was barely a lick...he wanted to Bite, but I wouldn't let him. I don't want any choking or aspirating going on. We did hear that he "failed" his ice chip test the day before. He asked for something cold to drink, but he just isn't able to do that yet. Pete does a good job of "wetting his whistle" but we have to be careful until he can swallow better before giving him the longed for drink.

They have upped his feeding "speed" to 90 from 80. He is malnourished according to tests they do on him. They are giving stuff with more protein now, but it is also thicker and jams the pump. It has kept them busy all day, and us listening to the thing beep beep beep.

He kept asking to have the speaking device removed. It bugged him (his words) and it was "a pain in the neck" (his words....and quite a pun, since it is in his neck!). I truly thought it was "just' for talking. Turns out, it has a needed physical function. It is used in the transition from Christmas to a new term in school...Oh OH...guess I am sleepy....

I'll try that is needed to help wean him off the trach. It makes breathing more difficult...makes him use more muscle to breathe....being able to talk is a nice side line. He has been breathing thru his trach for about 3 weeks, and before that the vent did his breathing for him. With this on, HE has to do the breathing ... thru his mouth and nose. Not having air moving thru them for 7 weeks, this is dry and hurts etc......

So it may become difficult to wean him off the bottle after they're...OH, bother, there I go again.

I really need to go to bed!! I thought I could tell you ALL about today...well, I have managed to say most everything ... so I'll say good night, now!

Love you all........... OOOOH, I was asked about his ability to see.......I'll try to address that before I write any more silly things.

I took his glasses today and he wore them for a few hours. He didn't seem to be able to focus using both eyes. I'm not sure of this yet. I need to experiment more tomorrow. He does see.......but we aren't sure how well or clear he sees. I'll try to find out. I guess we haven't checked that out. And SOOOOOOOOOO OFF to bed NOW! I sure hope I haven't said too many weird things in the email!

Love, M

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