Neither examined Stan at the time, but just talked with me.
They are preparing me for what they believe is the final outcome of this injury to his brain. Neither of them believes he will wake up....
Tomorrow there will be an MRI and an EEG. How I hope there is a glimmer of hope in them. I do appreciate your prayers very much. We will have to leave the decision in God's hands. I have had several beautiful emails regarding my decisions and the need to make a decision. Thank you.
He is no different. His body is definitely alive and healing from the terrible sickness it developed after his surgery. The neurologist did say that the surgery was performed to save his life. It is just that he knew me before, and doesn't after.
He isn't able to quite shut off the oxygen he gets. When it is removed to suction his trach, his stats go down. But he has been breathing on his own for about 36 hours now.
I did give him a pedicure today....something he needed desparately. I survived, too............
His nurse and I had quite a visit today over the Bible. She came in while I was reading. She said she woke up at 2 and was praying for Stan. She recommended the 91st Psalm to me, and I opened the Bible where I had my finger to show her where I had been reading....Psalm 91 !!!!
Love, M
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